NBN network.

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Lord help us if labor get back in. I have never voted for them and never would. Even though I'd love NBN its not going to sway me. Why anyone would want to keep labor in is beyond me. Anyway I'm not one to talk politics so this is my only political view post.
I am sure alot of people have Telstra/Telecom/PMG pits in front of their house.

Open it up and see if you can see some Paramatta/Telstra rope in it..

If so, the NBN fibre's wont be far off.

I work in this industry, in my opinion. There are too many contracts that have been signed, in my opinion, the Liberals/Nationals will complete the NBN fibre network.

They'll blame the cost on Labor and just finish it. Even the Liberals know the fibre to the Node plan is a **** idea. Only the rusted on Liberal supporter will support the Fibre to the Node network.

From memory, Fibre will only be used 30km's from the coast. The rest of the country will be wireless so I am told. However, I have seen NBN gear installed atleast 80km's in land.
Do what you want. It would be very unlike a liberal to exercise an abuse of power. As long as you change it to I Told You So on Sep 15th.

(Just kidding dave, hopefully the party with the best policies wins, whoever that may be)
I dont totally hate Labor, sure they have some good ideas.

However, they always waste money because they're not held accountable.

Let me ask you this, do you like Labor before Whitlam (Which is basically the same as the Gillard government) or are you happy with the way Labor is heading.

I am not really a fan of Crean, however himself and Kim Beazley could turn Labor back around.
I dont totally hate Labor, sure they have some good ideas.

However, they always waste money because they're not held accountable.
The voters job, which they have forgotten to do

Let me ask you this, do you like Labor before Whitlam (Which is basically the same as the Gillard government) or are you happy with the way Labor is heading.
How the fritz do 99% of you have any idea what it was like?
Labor pre and during Whitlam was nothing like Gillard.
If anything, Whitlam & Gillards management styles were completely different.
In fact, the whole Federal Parliament was so much better then.

I spent years listening to parliament debates during high school. [It was wag school and listen or waste my time playing house soccer for sport].
Just from what I have read.

So you chose to listen to a electronic device instead of playing sport.

So realistically, things haven't changed. I hear older generations whinging about young people playing their PS3, listening to their iPod etc.

Technology just changed.
Skymesh is the provider and its 20 gig peak and 20 gig offpeak, and its $39.95 a month. Other upside is we can get a phone line for $10 a month connection through the wireless modem versus telstras about twice the price

Thanks. Looks a good plan at first inspection. 20+20 for $40 matches some land based plans.
From memory, Fibre will only be used 30km's from the coast. The rest of the country will be wireless so I am told. However, I have seen NBN gear installed atleast 80km's in land.

I think I am a tad more than 30km's from the coast reading this on my 100/40 fibre.
We are about 120ks from the nearest coast and we are suppose to get NBN in Sept. Must be why they are talking so long, they are stretching the 30km cable. :ha:

I have been lucky enough to build a house with Satterley whom are taking it into their own hands and getting fibre installed to the houses being built. There are so many new suburbs in Perth going on the fibre plan, starting to look good. I believe the harder places to install will be the country towns but hopefully they don't get forgotten either.

Let me ask you this, do you like Labor before Whitlam (Which is basically the same as the Gillard government) or are you happy with the way Labor is heading.

I am not really a fan of Crean, however himself and Kim Beazley could turn Labor back around.

Dave, I'm 31. Not 131. I was not even born when Whitlam was in power. You've been listening to Alan Jones to much, that's his era of politics "the good ol days"

Crean is as bad a K Rudd at being self destructive and Beasley had a chance and Australia didn't want him so what will have changed?
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Regardless of political leaders. This is an NBN thread, if there is going to be a political debate it should be soley based on the NBN policy of each party.

Hands done Labour's is the better, smarter, in the long run cheaper, faster, future proof, greener etc.... option.
If they finish my NBN connection on schedule it will be before the election and given that someone keeps suggesting we all have a "me me me" attitude then it's not an election issue for me :ha:
No matter who gets in I still wont believe anyone's NBN story until it gets connected. Both sides are equally able to screw things up.