NBN network.

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Actually that's a relief. I would hate to have to take my piece of fibre cable into the local Telstra shop and ask them to repair it under warranty. They are hopeless in that shop they'd probably ask what the cable was for.
From memory, Fibre will only be used 30km's from the coast. The rest of the country will be wireless so I am told. However, I have seen NBN gear installed atleast 80km's in land.

Whether fibre is run to every house in large towns, coastal or country seems the question. It makes sense to run fibre in all urban areas coastal or rural, rather than say that country people should be forced to put up with a ******, shared wireless service.
Just from what I have read.

So you chose to listen to a electronic device instead of playing sport.
No Dave, I chose to listen to a primary source of information on what was going in my country when it was transmitted. I didn't form my "views/opinion" by listening to the foul propaganda of moronic hypocritical schlock jocks, who exist solely to sucker the morons in this society onto a continual feed of advertisements.
country people should be forced to put up with a ******, shared wireless service.

Have you ever used a REAL fixed wireless internet system? Say like the one that Internode have had set up in parts of South Australia for some years now?

Real fixed wireless kicks ADSL2+ in the arse (even if you sync at over 20 mbits like I do at work) in fact it kicks it out of the stadium, provided only that the ISP provisions sufficient bandwidth which Internode have definitely done.

I'd swap my ****** ADSL2+ service for fixed wireless in a blink if it was available where I am, and it was going to be until our senseless shire council listened to the nuff nuff loonie tunes who with no scientific basis believe that low level wireless radiation makes them sick.

And no before you say "it's not better than fibre" I agree... but it's FAR from ******, it's actually the 3rd fastest broadband option after digital fibre and HFC with ADSL2+ well behind those 3.

And yes of course most people would love fibre (so would I) but increasing fibre coverage from the NBN's 93% to 96% would add another 16 billion dollars and it's not cost effective.
Not saying wirless is not cost effective but you can't conect a nation to it. There is only so much bandwidth and only so much specturm.
Not saying wirless is not cost effective but you can't conect a nation to it. There is only so much bandwidth and only so much specturm.

Nobody is proposing 'connecting a nation to wireless', the proposed population percentage to be serviced by fixed wireless is 3% and that 3% are all in low population density areas.

I agree it's not suitable in high density population areas but it's not going to be used there.
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But wireless must be good, until Tony was forced to make his own NBN plan he was dead convinced wireless was the way to go for the whole country.
^Wireless is so ****. It's convenient, but **** compared to wired networks. Just think of all the times your phone drops out because of poor signal or high traffic -- now imagine you were trying to send large, critical files to a client & you had to rely on wireless!
Just think of all the times your phone drops out because of poor signal or high traffic

You're confusing cellular wireless with fixed wireless and they are not the same technology, they don't work the same way and fixed wireless doesn't suffer most of the problems of cellular wireless (except for line of sight issues but that's a can you get it or not rather than a dropping out issue).
But Uncle Tony said it was good and he wouldn't lie.

He doesn't understand the tech he's prattling on about which is typical for a pollie, for that matter Conroy doesn't understand the tech he's prattling on about either. Turnbull OTOH has a reasonable grasp of the basics which he acquired when he was on the board of the OZEMAIL isp but even he is only informed to about management level.

There are a couple of industry tech web sites that have had intelligent articles about it but the sad fact is that even most of the consumer tech websites have only offered dumbed down half truths.

Wireless broadband is a complicated subject and it's impossible to have a sensible informed discussion about it without understanding the details of radio propagation (related to frequency), how the various technologies encode data for transmission, bandwidth limitations, backhaul considerations, contention ratios and a host of other issues.

Instead we get people repeating off the cuff comments based on personal experience with totally different technology or based on whatever their pet journo has said... and it ain't helping people to understand.
A board member at an ISP actually learnt something? I'll believe that when I see it.

I used to work for OzEmail back before it was fashionable to be involved in IT and there was very few people in the organisation that knew what was going on, those few smart people kept the entire business afloat and Turnbull was not one of them.

Turnbull was as much a waste of space as the rest of the pollies, and what he knows about internet and technology was relayed to him by someone smarter than him, no different to the rest of the nuftis