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  • G
    GRHunt replied to the thread 2009 D40 Sat Nav update disk.
    Did you get any newer versions? I have a 2011 D40 Trekna would like to update the sat nave maps also.
  • G
    You could go either way. As long as the structural part of the tub is sound and the rust is only in a decorative panel, completely...
  • B
    blackpete replied to the thread STX550 Change AC Compressor.
    Did you check fuse on the compressor plug itself.There is a thermal fuse inside the plug which can go open.
  • S
    Supersonic posted the thread Cheap Turbos in D40 General Chat.
    This is the first time log in for some years and I am sure this topic has been discussed in detail. I am still running my 2008 d40...
  • Michael Mahon
    Michael Mahon reacted to mike1303's post in the thread Black steel wheels 16x8 for d40? with Like Like.
    I found it hard to find Black 16x8 with the correct Offset to suit a D40 (mine being thai) and i had to settle for 16x7 with a +18...
  • australianoz
    australianoz replied to the thread Acceleration issues.
    Check your cams, I've experienced this issue before. A faulty oil relief value (dodgy oil filter) ran my exhaust cams flat. You never know.
    Instead of a quick hit, go for a long slow press and see if that's any difference. Otherwise instead of 5 try 6? Or the Sound or PWR...
    MANNING reacted to skonzo's post in the thread Help with Wow Wow.
    So I pulled the egr tube from the valve to find the previous owner had already blocked it off but used a bit of metal only .8mm thick...
  • S
    skonzo replied to the thread Help.
    So I pulled the egr tube from the valve to find the previous owner had already blocked it off but used a bit of metal only .8mm thick...
  • Old.Tony
    Old.Tony replied to the thread Check AT light came on.
    The fluid drive in an auto transmission has a finite limit for the RPM. It's a physical thing, because of the way the transmission fluid...
  • Old.Tony
    Old.Tony reacted to MayKii's post in the thread Navara 2019 YS23ddtt Turbo Oil Leak with Like Like.
    Thank you for your comment Tony. I have cleaned it and ı will check there periodicially. I have no ıssue about performance and no any...
  • Paul Stocker
    Paul Stocker replied to the thread Radio Code.
    No Rob spent hour and a half this afternoon, I have since found a number to Nissan, Telephone number 0330 123 1231, UK. I will ring them...
  • Paul Stocker
    Hi my name is Paul, I have a problem with the radio in my D22 2004 pickup. I dialed in what Old Tony said and on the face I landed up...
  • M
    Thank you for your comment Tony. I have cleaned it and ı will check there periodicially. I have no ıssue about performance and no any...
  • M
    MichaelT replied to the thread Acceleration issues.
    My D22 YD25 drove just like yours is (gutless) for several months until I happened to look at the MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor, and...