$40 a month will get us 20 gig peak plus 20 gig off peak
Adsl2 was never going to happen for us, to far from exchange. peak/off peak is all they really offer, plus its better than the 8gig we get through 3g dongle now for 50 a month
I found it hard to believe the the coalition plan. Take my example for instance. It will come to the exchange by fibre, proably does now anyway. From there it's about 400 Meters to the closest tail at the end of my street which I would have a guess will be the Node point. From there is it will go the last 200 meters by twisted pair copper to my house. A twisted pair copper that is 35 years old. That sits in a pit in the wet tropics. It has big maintenance on the on that line as is. 3 repairs to my house in the last 15 years and this is progress. There gotta be joking but there not. So less intial cost but more ongoing maintenace cost/ They really have no vision at all.
BTW Biscuits, good to see you back havn't seen a post from you in while.
Apart from anything else even if it does get implemented by the time it gets fully rolled out to the areas that the government and telcos consider to be the majority of the population it will no longer be new technology and will need upgrading. It might be a step forward but it's not a very big step forward considering the time frame.
They did say you can pay to get fiber to the home but at a cost to the household. How much are we talking here? Fiber aint cheap!
The difference between fibre and copper is negligible. The real cost is in labour, pits and ducting.
and what is the new technology that is going to replace it?
<fsck, this is going to be good for a laugh>