NBN network.

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At the end of the day we are paying for fact nobody kept an eye on Telstra and they just installed the cheapest minimal crap so they were able to just get by as cheap as possible.
If our gov had any balls at all they would not let Telstra anywhere near the network.
they screwed us over and should be held accountable but no what the gov is going to let them screw us over yet again and ask even more money.
My phone line is absolute crap and Telstra wont do a damm thing about it unless I become a telstra client for phone and internet. Like I would give them another cent.
Rant over
In fairness to Telstra, and a lot of other utilities, they didn't become arseholes providing crap service until accountants started to run the show. Just pointing that out to all you peeps born after that started.

Dave, what plan details did you want?
This s the only decent plan comparison site that I know of;
but it doesn't have NBN plans as a selectable option yet.
AFAIK, it is a matter of knowing which ISP offer NBN plans and going to their site. Iinet ($shudder), exetel(service shudder, but I'll split the freebie if your mad enough to sign up), others?
I,d be happy if we could get adsl, nbn and whatever else they come up with might be nice for those who can access it, were stuck with with either satellite or the telco,s wireless either way its a low gig plan and expensive
I didn't bother to read the whole link (cause I couldn't be bothered).

Basically, wifi will never keep up with fibre. it is that simple. Wireless has a management overhead that degrades the performance. Any fancy modification to TCP to make it faster can be applied to any medium, so if you modify it and test it over wireless, you should test the same modification over fibre...and watch fibre win. Wireless has its place, but only as a companion product. This country really needs fibre (to the premises) to really keep up with the rest of the world.

I do wonder if when how many people were negative when people started about installing phones in houses... after all, why would you need a phone line in a house. just ride your horse 15 miles to town and send a telegram.
Bravobrad. Nice to hear from someone who knows their stuff.

Sick of seeing ******* people with influence, (Bolt and Alan Jones, Abbott, Hockey to name a few) who have no real idea what they are on about. Sprouting half truth and second hand information. They are making the population dumber. As a result the government now feels they need to spend $20 million advertising the truths about the NBN. To be honest, i think it is money that needs to be spent because these clowns have spread so much misinformation that no one realise that when they say "NO" to their FREE NBN connection, 18 months later they won't have copper service either.
You bet...since moving to 56K we can now download a song in 10 minutes, it's brilliant I don't know how people worked on slower connections.
How's the speeds.

The local Node has the NBN gear, no fibres in the street yet from what I know.
Very quick. I get better performance that I get from some of our servers in Sydney/Melbourne, that are on Fibre.

pings for google are 10ms, which isn't too bad considering the distance.
Naa not me....but just commissioned the Claremont NBN shelter at the exchange a couple of hours ago
You still doing the power systems Jimmy ?

For a Green new world, the NBN chews the power.
Oh yeah....this has 10 strings of 190ah batts and a huge cummins standby set just in case...not skimping