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I must have known something the kettle has just boiled.

My phone just beeped, are you sending through an SMS order?
So why is it whenever there is reporting of floods on the news these days there is always some dickhead in a Navara ploughing through flood waters, usually after the SES has been on warning people not to do it?
Down here the SES use F series, the type that would shit on a Nav when it came to just about everything.
That guy is an out and out ****wit. They should have just shot the crunt off the roof. Sure the river rose quickly but the warnings were out there for the last 4 days and the amount of rain we'd had should have been enough to stop anyone driving out there. No one that stupid should be allowed to drive.

WIN TV were showing a white RX D40 again today, but the way it's driven it's set up for the camera and not some dick hooning through the water.
I saw that Yota on the news tonight and thought it was a stupid move that only a Yota driver in the ultimate 4x4 could do, some just think they're invincible in those things after all they are the BEST 4x4 in the world!! just ask anyone who owns one.
Apparently the driver got out leaving the two dogs and the guy on the roof while he went for help. Neither of them spoke english so even if they could rescue from the bank the guy couldn't understand what the SES was saying. Dunno what happened to the dogs though.
what a complete unit, why would you not get the dogs out at the same time, as for the passenger he should of used his own brain and figured out its best everyone get out at the same time.
Why are people so stupid?
I think they should have worked out that 4 days of warnings of 100+mm of rain and wet tracks was probably reason enough not to head out, or if already out not to try crossing any creeks and rivers.
I think they should have worked out that 4 days of warnings of 100+mm of rain and wet tracks was probably reason enough not to head out, or if already out not to try crossing any creeks and rivers.

thats what i mean, how fukcing stupid can some people be, And from what i could see they were the only vehicle. They just keep ticking all the D-Head box's :rambo:

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