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Something is missing. It's budget week in Canberra, Labor are in the news and getting all the headlines and abuse from the media for whatever they have done and Dave hasn't been on making his "Abbott love" threads. I feel ripped off, I want my money back, come on Dave don't let us down we need your comedy threads!

Nothing to report about.

We just got new taxes, who would of thought under Labor.

That would be about 27 new taxes under Dudd and Gillard.
Nothing to report about.

We just got new taxes, who would of thought under Labor.

That would be about 27 new taxes under Dudd and Gillard.

Come on Dave you can do better than that, you've been using those same lines for so long Tony's decided to put them in his next policy speech.
Whats to say, the Labor party is just promising the world and expecting the Liberals to deliver it.

Only Gillard is that dillusional to think she can win in September.
How did you like your extra taxes ?

Since I am now forking out for the disabled, wonder if I can stop paying for welfare recipients and "Asylum seekers".
You say that like there wouldn't be any taxes under any other government. At the end of the day you pay more in tax from your wages or you get extra taxes lumped on the country, the flavour of government doesn't change that.

Kerry said it well.

I am happy to pay taxes, I am not happy to be supporting all these useless sacks of crap in society.

Get rid of most of the beaurocrats etc.

Kerry placed his hand on the bible, thats probably been banned by the Lefty's by now.
How did you like your extra taxes ?

Since I am now forking out for the disabled, wonder if I can stop paying for welfare recipients and "Asylum seekers".

You have stopped paying welfare ( some at least) -- baby bonus got the arse so you should be pleased :p
Nope, it just got rolled into Family benefits A.

You know what I hate seeing, housing commission areas with tags all over them and NSW tax payers are paying for these !@#$wits to keep vandalising these places owned by the State.

Throw the sacks of crap on the street, remove their 10 kids each and give them a decent upbringing.
You know what I hate seeing, housing commission areas with tags all over them and NSW tax payers are paying for these !@#$wits to keep vandalising these places owned by the State.

Throw the sacks of crap on the street, remove their 10 kids each and give them a decent upbringing.

Wow, SHOCK, Dave's got a policy I agree with.
Dare I tell him that many welfare/social work types also agree with him?

Public housing was supposed to be for families in need to be used by families to get sorted out, in work and then move out. Then the pollies targeted it for free hand outs and said it will now be your home forever. Then they had to build more public housing, which they did the same thing with.

The really funny joke is the electorate I'm in was supposed to be permanetly rusted on labor(full of housos) but is now liberal state and federal.
Wow, SHOCK, Dave's got a policy I agree with.
Dare I tell him that many welfare/social work types also agree with him?

Public housing was supposed to be for families in need to be used by families to get sorted out, in work and then move out. Then the pollies targeted it for free hand outs and said it will now be your home forever. Then they had to build more public housing, which they did the same thing with.

The really funny joke is the electorate I'm in was supposed to be permanetly rusted on labor(full of housos) but is now liberal state and federal.

Arghh FFS! -- I'm on board with this too (fcuking housos making me agree with Dave :rambo:). One old girl around the corner from my mum (ma is on a single pension in a house she owns) was bitching about paying $60/ week for her housing commission house -- Ma gave her short shrift and set her straight (with some colourful language too I'm told).

Housing commission was meant to give people down on their luck a leg up -- it were never meant to be a birth right!
Awww, c'mon - could be worth a laugh!

Dmax's are a labor/ union vote buying conspiracy -- all housos/ refos get one!

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