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Get used to it bud.

They told me to be there at 0600 for surgery.
I was the last to go in at 1230.
I woke a few hours later being greeted by a nurse and the old "Could you pee in here please"
Thirty minutes later I was out the door.

Surgery was good, told to be there7.30. Knocked out by ten, wake up in recovery a bit past 11 amd a sandwich, coffee and 3 doses of painkillers later, i was out The door at 12
But the ads say a worker needs to get back to work because injuries repair faster while at work not at home.
Well workcover seems to think it works really well. Mind you I've never seen a workplace like they depict on their ads, jsut like I have never once seen a workcover inspector arrive unannounced.
It's rarely good no matter how it happens but atleast workcover usually gives a person the equivalent of private cover.

I'll send you the DH physio I had, there is nothing wrong with his physiotherapy but the guy is a complete moron inept at just about everything but therapy. If I send him to you you have to promise to keep him though.
Something is missing. It's budget week in Canberra, Labor are in the news and getting all the headlines and abuse from the media for whatever they have done and Dave hasn't been on making his "Abbott love" threads. I feel ripped off, I want my money back, come on Dave don't let us down we need your comedy threads!
Probably because its just too sad for comment. Labor are selling a turd and calling it a beef pattie. Gillard wasn't near tears yesterday she was trying hard not to swallow the crap they're dishing up ;)
I didn't know tony was for sale?

Dave still needs to be here and breakdown the budget for those of us unable to make up our own minds. He's our political spokesperson, he's the one person who can explain politics in an unbiased manner and make it simple to understand.
We don't know what is in the budget, Dave's not here to explain it all too us.

I woke up this morning, was still breathing, still had a roof over my head, had breakfast and aren't far off having lunch so I don't think the country collapsed, but still you'd think Dave would come on and set our minds at ease about how screwed we really are, after all it might not be worth preparing dinner.
Whats in The budget, i havnt heard or read about it, do i need my meds before i read it, or should i be on suicide watch

Only if you were planning more kids, or planning to be a single mum, or be on the dole, or building 'green energy' producing plant, or carbon capture, wanted a big tax break but more services, own a small business and wanted rid of red tape (i.e. collecting GST), were planning on going to uni -- sorry, that's all the headlines I can remember but I'm sure there's something for everyone in there somewhere.
Actually, the good thing about the budget is that everyone is bitching about not getting anything. Must have been good.

There is seriously so little material for serious commentators to beat up on Labor that they seem to have started pointing the finger at Treasury who produce the estimates that the government relies on. They are claiming that all the surplus/deficit stuff is Treasury's fault for the last decade.

And to Dave. I'm pretty sure he is embarrassed that so many people, in his eyes, have now "come out of the closet".

OTOH, he might have flown to Qld to meet Clive.

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