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Bloody Daves fault, he starts a thread for us, and being the friendly blokes we are we talk some banter and keep his thread interesting, and then bang it's all gone in sweep of the almighty
there seems to be a few people complaining about threads going off track and getting the shits about "having" to read posts that are not serious and stick to the topic 100%,,
they are being forced to read them so i dont blame them................ ducks,
im always sensible. but maybe i read to many Dr.seuss books to my kids

That's my problem. I've been reading my kids books like Super Duper Jezebel and some book where a wombats mother got run over by a car and the wombat now pisses in an old hat and some book about an old lady who swallows so much wildlife she spews everywhere. Kids books today aint the same as when I went to school.
Bloody Daves fault, he starts a thread for us, and being the friendly blokes we are we talk some banter and keep his thread interesting, and then bang it's all gone in sweep of the almighty

Dave would be most upset!!
there seems to be a few people complaining about threads going off track and getting the shits about "having" to read posts that are not serious and stick to the topic 100%,,
they are being forced to read them so i dont blame them................ ducks,

Do such sad people really exist?

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