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Read a small article in a paper today about kids feeding seagulls chips laced with laxatives. It was said that it only took a few minutes for the laxatives to work & they were shitting on everyone at the beach. :laugh:
Yep, had it earlier this year, twice, different spots, both feet, was bloody crippled. My mother in law has had 5 kids. She gets it and reckons it's more painful than child birth.

I found if I drank 3+ litres of water a day that helped, but what got rid of it was I ate something that made me explode on the can, a complete flush it was. Gout went within 5-10 mins, incredible. That's why those little white pils make ya shit, coz ya gotta flush the shit outa ya guts ;-)

By Christ it hurts.
I wonder if the same works in ducks, we have a heap of ducks on the farm lately, it would be funny to organise a surprise attack on a day I'm not there.
It probably would work.

Years ago a bloke I knew told me that they had a BBQ in a park. After spilling wine & using bread to soak up the mess, fed it to the ducks who got very pissed.
I'd have to be certain that I wasn't going back to the farm for a few days, who know how long it would take to get out of their systems
No but that reminds me I should check the weather, I heard it was going to rain.

It can rain all it likes our concrete is past the rain effected stage and we don't need to be on the farm again until next week :big_smile:

Edit: They can calling it "Isolated showers" for tonight and tomorrow, they reckon the front is moving North easterly so it looks like we could miss most of this one.
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Think we were only supposed to get isolated showers, bloke on radio at 4pm said isolated showers again tomorrow same as today, yeah right
We missed the lot but following the weather patterns it's not surprising.

Apart from the inconvenience I'd still prefer this to drought. For May and June our rainfall totals were more than some yearly totals a few years back, but typically they were fairly erratic.

Main farms area 2 month rainfall 24 inches
Other farm about 17ks away 2 month rainfall figures 17 inches
Home figures about 50ks from the farm for the same time 12 inches.
Hey dave what's with changing your location, are you in witness protection now or something?

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