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If you were PM you'd have to make everyone work,. You are so high maintenance every person in the country would have to pay tax just to keep you in the lifestyle you think you deserve Mr PM :rofl2:
No no no.

Id be making phone calls instead of all these !@#$ing flights these current pricks do.

This country needs better highways, more dams, bridges replaced.

Not more bloody red tape.

Get the people working and skilled, not financing the UN and Indonesia.
Of course you'd make phone calls instead of flying, you work for Telstra you get a special deal :ha:
I am just sick to death of the waste in this moronic government.

12-13 months and we can see all these !@#$wits gone.
and replaced by a new bunch of money wasting fwits.

Look at Victoria, when Big Ted and Little Ted were in opposition they promised all the same shit that Big Ears is promising right now from his opposition seat and making the same stupid promises they knew they couldn't keep if in power. They got voted in and are now reneging on everything they promised.

Two things you can guarantee in this country, one the current party in power will be disliked and the media will love to feed the public all the bullshit they can to feed that dislike and two the opposition will promise anything they think the public want just to get votes only to forget all those promises when they get in power.

The figurehead may change every few years but the ship will always go backwards with two major parties in the country in charge.
I agree with what your saying, but what happened to the ideas of yester year of building the dams, protecting Australian jobs, building the highways, building the highways.

Our politicians hand out Billions to some pricks overseas and while our homeless are looked after by charities FFS.
Or not.

Every idea they have is half arsed, just like all the wind turbines we have to look "Green".

Nuclear power is the answer, just not in Victoria with all your earthquakes.
There is an earthquake bandwagon down here. Every town wants a go being in the news so they just report a new quake every few days, none have actually happened.

Besides we don't need nuclear down here, there is enough brown coal in the ground here to power the entire country for well over 130 years. If allowed our mining boom here could be bigger than Qld and/or WA there is that much shit under the ground here which could easily be accessed without upsetting too many people other than the greenies.
I am no Greeny by any means, I am happy to sell off the coal.

Polution wise, Nuclear power is the answer.

Australia is just a quarry for the rest of the world these days.
Would be better if we used the coal ourselves, brown coal despite it's claimed "dirtiness" which is subjective at best is still one of the cheapest methods of producing power available to this country but the greeines just want to bitch and moan about how dirty it is without taking into account that the alternatives cost more and produce less usable power.
How about we just burn all the Greenies on top of the coal.

Might be smokey, but will be worth it.
Well the climate is changing, that's fact, what is less factual is how it's changing and while the "how" can't be accurately measured the f'wit greenies will always have a bandwagon to jump on and get selectively uppity about. In reality the greenies of this world are no better than politicians, they take snippet of fact and try to convince the world that one snippet relates to the entire world. If they looked at whole picture they'd see why people are skeptical.

What gets me is why the greenies haven't jumped on Vic roads down here. For about 60ks of highways they have removed all the trees in the medium strip. $16.4Mill they have spent removing the trees and they will replace them with that wire rope shit, all because trees pose a risk to a car and it's occupants when the car comes off the road. I guess they can forget the fact that trees provide a barrier for cars using high beams, even forget that the trees might be good for the environment but how the fuck some moron got away with the idea that trees are some how more dangerous to a car that looses control than the on coming truck doing 100kph that is now a head on accident with nothing between them to stop it is beyond me.

They are all a pack of morons.
Lol Krafty highway trees don't interest greenies. That is for tree huggers. A true greenie would help chop them down as they would know they are not endemic to the area and thus should be purged.

And the radical greenies are all for anything that discourages people driving ICE driven private motor vehicles.

Plus the earth first greenies are all for anything that remove a few humans from the earth's crust.
Ill let everyone know what I find out tomorrow about the problems people are having logging in.

Time for a feed and sleep.
I'm not having problems logging in so it doesn't matter :sarcastic:

Edit: Actually as a side note which may not be causing the issue in all cases there was a Windows update this week which saw some Firefox users to suffer random cache and CSS issues on different sites. I noticed it the first time I loaded this site yesterday and I noticed it on a few other forums but once the cache has caught up it doesn't happen again.
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