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Concrete base makes a difference, Its good when the manure/dirt from the cows hoofs dries out, Shovel up nice fine powdered mix for the garden

Yeah it does but since the entire area is way too big to concrete we are planning to concrete the crush and surrounding area and the draught. Problem is the concreter is a dickhead and would rather make excuses for not doing the job properly instead of just doing it. Friggen mates of mates, you should never trust them to do a job just to save you time.
We have the yard feeding the circle, the circle and race and crush all concreted. When it gets 12 inch deep of shit you appreciate the hard base
We have 3 laneways leading into 2 holding yards, 5 holding yards in total, one small pen which leads into a race which then leads into the crush and then the draught and onto the truck. It is quite a good set up and despite some really shoody welding on the panels the yards are quite well made. Concrete all round so we could wash them down would be nice but there is over 300m2 of yard space and 80ks delivery and a concrete pump is not something that fits into the budget.

And Dave it's a mixture of cow and bullshit :ha:
the nav holds some wood now, 1800x1830 mm tray on the nav with a high top canopy and stacking the wood sure made a good load
Like a DH, washed wifies car this morning before we went to Melbourne.

Was hard enough defrosting the fittings & hose on the pressure washer which had been left under the verandah, but ice was forming on the car quicker than I could wash it off. Ice just got thicker & the dirty water kept spraying & freezing on the clean bits.

Also picked up a new pup yesterday & tonight she shat inside the house. Didn't notice until I had stepped in it & walked it around the kitchen. After taking off my shitty shoe I stood in the shit with my bare foot & managed to walk that around a bit too.

Now a bit concerned about foxes eating the little b@stard when nobody is at home. The tin lid would be most impressed.
the nav holds some wood now, 1800x1830 mm tray on the nav with a high top canopy and stacking the wood sure made a good load

Geez we could fill that 200 times over and still have timber on the ground waiting to be picked up :big_smile:

Now a bit concerned about foxes eating the little b@stard when nobody is at home. The tin lid would be most impressed.

Keep the thing inside and let it demolish the house, atleast that way it will stay alive until you get home.
Like a DH, washed wifies car this morning before we went to Melbourne.

Was hard enough defrosting the fittings & hose on the pressure washer which had been left under the verandah, but ice was forming on the car quicker than I could wash it off. Ice just got thicker & the dirty water kept spraying & freezing on the clean bits.

Also picked up a new pup yesterday & tonight she shat inside the house. Didn't notice until I had stepped in it & walked it around the kitchen. After taking off my shitty shoe I stood in the shit with my bare foot & managed to walk that around a bit too.

Now a bit concerned about foxes eating the little b@stard when nobody is at home. The tin lid would be most impressed.

got to love there habits, little darlings
I don't, but we have a couple of people who use some of the wood for heating but there is way too much there for them to ever run out and typical of any farm trees fall down all year round so it's not like the well ever dries up.

We're going to have a massive bon fire in a few weeks just to get rid of some of the old building material and huge stumps but other wise most of ours is wet too.
Before the farms we used to go any number of places to get wood. Around here there really is no excuse for not being able to get wood and there is no excuse for doing it illegally either. Many places around this area you don't even need a 4wd and even a small 12 inch saw would even be suitable in many areas.
Just thought I would butt in...... there is a hay shed full of wood here, well actually only half full now. Unfortunately it's pine. Lots of hardwood lying around too but I had to pay a fair few $$ to get a very old dying pine tree cut down beside the cottage before it fell on it. After it was felled, I either had to cut it up & burn it on the ground or cut it up & split it into smaller pieces & burn it in the fire.

It burns quick but at least it's dry & I got a bit of value out of the exercise.

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