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Farkin bloody rain...last day to go and sight the the new toy in b4 Townsville and its bloody shite outside GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Well friggen keep it will ya. 20 inches in 2 months has just about screwed our farms, can't drive the tractor anywhere without leaving great furrows, can't drive any other vehicle onto the paddocks and can't even walk the damn things without going knee deep in water. If you send that rain down here I'll come up there and tear you a new one!!!
looking at the radar it MAY just miss u... but I wouldnt put money on it..after all, it is "Gippsland...the big wet patch"
We are still on flood watch from the last lot but I don't think the shit hitting you guys is expected to hit us, if anything we are suppose to get the tail end of it. But we are still suppose to have 7 days of rain and or showers. Atleast I think that's what perky boobs said, I'm not sure I listened to everything she said :big_smile:
Yeah...just looked at the weeks weather ova your way and its much better than here....tho just now was updated from rain all week to possible shower all week..hmmmmm.
atm we got 3.0DegC and its a balmy 11 or so ava there....bastards..
We were suppose to get hail and thunder yesterday but thankfully that didn't eventuate. My parents were down Mentone buying a new car and they reckoned it pissed down in large buckets for about 30 mins, we had annoying rain but no where near that much.

I haven't been outside to see how cold it is today but reaching double figures is a bonus for when I do go out!!
Hey Krankin you were right, was positively a heat wave here today, was 12 degrees when I went out.
Yeah a good 15 degrees today. And I couldn't hack wearing a jacket over my arm so I was out in a singlet.
We are getting rain now, it's steady but not that bad. I don't remember the last time we got as low as 3 during the day so you just make sure you keep it ok :ha:
I just wish it would rain up your way so that when dumbf**k suppliers look out their window there they can assume the weather here is the same

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