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He doesn't have to barrack for any team to have his buttons pushed, just rag him about Nissan or his fluffy dear johns and his buttons will be pushed!
Well kind of but I think it's more of a sitting on a spare tyre huddled around a fan heater rather than sitting in the bush around a campfire!
I'm already tired, it's been a bloody long day.

Farm is friggen wet, 18 inches of rain in two months, I remember years where we haven't had that much.
Oh perky boobs is on Win News weather at the moment, she's only talking about wet and shitty weather but someone how she makes it sound good.

Edit: She's taken her perky boobs and left now which must mean it's time for me to rack off too.
Bloody hell we go to the trouble of clearing a nice big turning circle at the end of the driveway/track and before we can get crushed rock down the big mack and dog get bogged in the dirt. Bastard had no hope, gonna be interesting next week when these dicks from NSW come down and expect to turn their truck around.
They wont get stuck because by the time we've finished with the excavator on Monday there will be enough room on solid ground to turn around and unload the rigid truck and if the driver even tries to bring the trailer onsite he will be refused entry. We are providing a place on one of the other farms up the road to safely park the trailer, will just take a little longer to unload. We've spent a lot of time and money on this landing area and new open area and be stuffed if they are going to F*&k it up on us.
We think it's fair but the dick that runs the company has on more than one occasion told us that we have to give him some leeway with his driver because he can't afford to be on site longer than a day since he'd need to pay more accommodation for him to be away from home. Must be a shit house business man if he's done a deal to deliver from the NSW central coast and hasn't allowed enough profit to cover a few days accommodation in the cheapest shittyest motel he can organise.

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