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That's them, you just gotta get to them before the foxes and birds

ooohhhhh maybe I have said too much, given away too many tips!
Gold last night, A guy in a effy tried to jump me at the lights wheels squeeling and all, Funny part was he backed off and let me pass after the red and blues behind us started flashing,
Awe come on you know as well as I do, on the farm you just don't always get the same luxuries as city folk!
Yeah but usually they get to them before they start to stink....that's if they even realise the $%$%'s are dead to begin with.
Anyone know where to buy (and what the hell they're called) those long flexible poles with the orange flags on the top that they use in the mines?

We're going to do some sand dunes and it was suggested by someone experienced that we "get a flag so we can be seen" and I'm assuming this is what he meant.

So, anyone know? What are they worth? Should I just rock up to Mt Thorley with a spanner in my hand?
I didn't even know what they were called. Having been educated about them, I'll put my spanner away and get my EFTPOS card out and buy one.

I've only seen them on mining vehicles, so I thought they were some special thing that I had to get from some in-house mining shop.

Thanks guys!
Well that's my Saturday night screwed.

I'm hitting the spring for a night of bouncy bouncy! The noise will top the night off though!

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