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I doubt the libs will kill it even if they get in, all parties have a bad habit of bitching and moaning about things they don't like when in opposition but then getting power and ignoring them.
Despite what the NBN costs, the copper network is !@#$%^. Something needs to be done.

Wireless isn't what its made out to be.

Majorly overrated.
I don't desperately need faster internet and in some ways it will make my job more annoying but I do agree that it's needed and I can't see Big Ears getting rid of it if he gains power next year.
Parked my ute at todays job,got out and spotted 50 bucks in the weeds on the
side of the road. :big_smile:

Did you take the $50 or the weed or both?

Those weeds might have been part of d22dave's secret stash that he was looking for a week or so back.
COMPO as if,, Nothing major i hope, sheep shaggers back:redcool:

Nah my backs fine, the sheep are dying though! I re-sprained my ankle, it's not in a good shape, doc's warned me if I don't stay off it for the weekend and come back on Monday and do it again given my past history it's reconstruction time but he reckons he;s too friggen busy to build fences so I'm running out of choices.

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