Adding 2-Stroke oil to Diesel

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Pretty sure that is just the old synth/semi-synth v mineral arguement.

I got reamed on here for using the penrite hyper. I went thru a liter of penrite on the fist 4 tanks using 2t. Using shell advance atm.(got a great deal )

Apparently the synth doesnt mix with diesel.

I wanted to do the test and mix some up in a glass jar to see, but never got around to it. Maybe you can do this daz, and post results/pics since you've got some handy and seem to be into it atm?

For the record, I liked the penrite, and reckon the ute went well on it, but the performance, did seem a little up and down, at the time i put this down to the oil not mixing properly, but now after reading that^^ maybe it was just coughing up bong oysters?

I will have that test done with pics within a week, great idea mate.

How old was your ute? Do you know if it had ever had oil in before you added some?
If you use your common sense and a bit of initiative you can find all sorts of information that is peer reviewed and contains non bias results. The larger problem resides with the fact most humans (yes most of YOU) are not intelligent enough (don't get offended) or not motivated enough to seek out the information themselves and make a logical decision as to wether they should use oil or not. If you do what a lot of people have done here and take the risk yourself you may get a healthy surprise (or completely root you car) but that's the initiative that go us E=Mc2 and the steam engine.
Or just couldn't be ****ed because we have more important things to do than insult most humans.
Yes, I do. I agree proof read is a good idea but im not writing degree papers I am writing what's on my mind and I try to keep it logical. I ask why you can criticise me for denying others logic when you are denying mine right now and others in previous posts

You don't want links but you want to see studies?

I never claimed all those benefits. As I mentioned before, from what I have gathered after countless hours of research is that the oil replaces the lubrication lost from low and ultra low sulphur diesel fuels.

Common sense tells us that more lubrication would mean we get those benefits, but some times common sense isn't logical. So I will do my own research and run my own tests, I will post results and if you say that it's not proof of anything that would be ignorant of you wether I said it worked or not. That's not to say take my word for it, you can always do the tests yourself.

Give me time and I'll get links.

Give me time and I'll part the red sea
Give me time and I'll part the red sea

Real mature mate.

Enough time and the red sea will part itself (during low tide) so you don't need to. However thats a good example of why people like me don't get anywhere with people like you. If you don't care what I or anyone else has to say, don't reply....

If you were interested I would meet with you in person and have a semi-civilised debate with you over a beer. It's a lot easier to get points across that way and being able to hear tones will help make long paragraphs sound not so narky.
As much as I'm sure he would enjoy a date with you, Krankin is a forum bot, he just replies to various threads to keep the forum alive and trick Google into ranking the site higher. He can't even read any facts presented, although in fairness he hasn't had to try often given the lack of actual facts presented.
Or just couldn't be ****ed because we have more important things to do than insult most humans.

Mate I can't express my tones because this is a forum full of writing but I can assure you it's not meant to be insulting. I don't feel the need to insult anyone and not do I want to waste my time on thinking negative about anything.

Studies done by MENSA have highlighted the fact that the majority of today's society (that's you) are mentally under developed compared to 25 years ago. We are less self efficient, less practical and don't retain information as well as we used to (as a race).

The fact is mate unless you had the opportunity of higher level education or you were born a genius you will PROBABLY fall into the "majority of society" category hence you are PROBABLY not intelligent enough to make logical decisions on advanced subjects (or simple subjects you have no knowledge of) and that's not offensive. I reckon it's just that you were looking at what I wrote and assumed I called you all dumbarses... I believe most of you are very intelligent, but still not intelligent enough to dwindle into advanced topics and give logical advice about something you haven't tried, tested or researched.

For the record I will say I honestly believe that someone who combines the use of computer tech with mechanical tech is already smarter then average joe. But unless you have a physics degree i doubt you are intelligent enough to tell me I should/shouldn't use oil in my diesel tank... (disregarding variables)

So please don't be offended, its not my intention. And I am sorry to any others that felt the same.
Are you a physicist daz?

Love this thread, I reckon the actual internet will explode as soon as someone posts some imperical data on here.

Cant wait, post it up!
Farken hell mate, read your post out loud to yourself and see how you're coming across. Similar sort of posting is the reason I stopped visiting Ice In Space forums. I came to realize that a large number of sciencey wanna be type people really don't get IT !

Cheers Brad
Guy's it's so easy to misinterpret text without tone and body language, we're all just here because we love Navaras after all.
I love this thread, it's gold, I've been following it since I joined and have even contributed on the odd occasion because I enjoy experimenting with my truck, it is mine and if I bugger it up because I choose to mix two stroke in my diesel then so be it.
On the other hand I don't expect any one else to do it just because I perceive some benefits.
One point I'd like to make though, where is the scientific evidence that adding 2T to diesel DID CAUSE ANY damage, it seems that at worst it does nothing and is a waste of money.
The only explanation of what's going on that I've found was on an American site where a seemingly experienced and informed guy said that the 2T provided a slightly more viscous cushion for the injectors/pump (hence the quite noticeable reduction of noise) and slightly LOWERED the cetane rating but gave a longer, cooler and more complete burn because it's formulated for combustion.
I can only state my experience and relate that to whatever information I can gather and then decide whether I agree or disagree, like or don't like whatever changes in my vehicle.
One point I'd like to make though, where is the scientific evidence that adding 2T to diesel DID CAUSE ANY damage, it seems that at worst it does nothing and is a waste of money.

I don't think anyone has ever claimed that it HAS or WILL cause problems but the fact that it's never been proven that it HASN'T or WON'T is the reason many wont try it.
Mate I can't express my tones because this is a forum full of writing but I can assure you it's not meant to be insulting. I don't feel the need to insult anyone and not do I want to waste my time on thinking negative about anything.

Studies done by MENSA have highlighted the fact that the majority of today's society (that's you) are mentally under developed compared to 25 years ago. We are less self efficient, less practical and don't retain information as well as we used to (as a race).

The fact is mate unless you had the opportunity of higher level education or you were born a genius you will PROBABLY fall into the "majority of society" category hence you are PROBABLY not intelligent enough to make logical decisions on advanced subjects (or simple subjects you have no knowledge of) and that's not offensive. I reckon it's just that you were looking at what I wrote and assumed I called you all dumbarses... I believe most of you are very intelligent, but still not intelligent enough to dwindle into advanced topics and give logical advice about something you haven't tried, tested or researched.

For the record I will say I honestly believe that someone who combines the use of computer tech with mechanical tech is already smarter then average joe. But unless you have a physics degree i doubt you are intelligent enough to tell me I should/shouldn't use oil in my diesel tank... (disregarding variables)

So please don't be offended, its not my intention. And I am sorry to any others that felt the same.

Dang dang i dont be knowin what use just tolds me cause ize dids not finish me schoolin, but ize reckon u soundin real smart like........... ize wishin i could piss all the others people off like yous can!! cause youz reals goods at it and all and you sound sooooo smart youz could be me 1st grades teachers helper!! that blokes was a real clever type just like you!!!
wow you are a :wristy:
One point I'd like to make though, where is the scientific evidence that adding 2T to diesel DID CAUSE ANY damage, it seems that at worst it does nothing and is a waste of money.

well...I'm dearly sorry....but If i remembrz...this thread is about the huge benefits of 2T and not the other way around..


until there is solid proven fact, we are still going nowhere in a hurry.
The only explanation of what's going on that I've found was on an American site

where a seemingly experienced and informed guy said that the 2T

slightly LOWERED the cetane rating but gave a longer, cooler and more complete burn because it's formulated for combustion.


cooler combustion temps are not in the formula for HP, neither would a lower cetane number be..Our modern engines benefit from a higher CN, as they are high reving.
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hence you are PROBABLY not intelligent enough to make logical decisions on advanced subjects (or simple subjects you have no knowledge of)

I reckon it's just that you were looking at what I wrote and assumed I called you all dumbarses...

I believe most of you are very intelligent,

but still not intelligent enough to dwindle into advanced topics and give logical advice about something you haven't tried, tested or researched.

For the record I will say I honestly believe that someone who combines the use of computer tech with mechanical tech is already smarter then average joe.

But unless you have a physics degree i doubt you are intelligent enough to tell me I should/shouldn't use oil in my diesel tank... (disregarding variables)


Does a degree in petrochemistry count ? or do you have one allready...

it defies logic...... "beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here"

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