What brand gauge did you fit and where did you hook the line up to get the reading? The only reason I ask is because different gauges may read differently.
You can run more boost without a chip. You may be finding that with the boost controller fitted, you are not getting any more wastegate creep (wastegate gradually opening under load, before full boost is reached) or if the spring in the actuator is weak, it may open the wastegate before it should. Increasing the boost slightly without increasing fuel will result in lower egts. It may also feel like you have gained torque, but it may just be back to where it should be, if it wasn't getting the correct boost previously. ...
I run mine around 18psi max, measured with an autometer c2 gauge, with the boost tee for the gauge fitted in the wastegate line. The boost controller sits on the actuator side of the line for the gauge so I still get a correct boost reading.