Scared him off ya bullies
Difference between being bullied and being a sook... He could dish it but didn't like being served
Scared him off ya bullies
Shhh you'll upset him again... Lol
Scared him off ya bullies
Hows his form 4 posts in total, 1 intro, 1 about his new ride, 2 having a whinge!!
The guy talks about "maturity" but gets all upset and then runs off to the only 2 posts he actually made and deleted them like a little kids, pppffft if thats how he thinks we should do things here then im glad he farked off, we definitely dont need any more cry babies around here.
Its a car forum after all not a child care centre.
Hows his form 4 posts in total, 1 intro, 1 about his new ride, 2 having a whinge!!
The guy talks about "maturity" but gets all upset and then runs off to the only 2 posts he actually made and deleted them like a little kids, pppffft if thats how he thinks we should do things here then im glad he farked off, we definitely dont need any more cry babies around here.
Its a car forum after all not a child care centre.
Is this a car forum,????
that much **** and dribble being said I thought it was Facebook!
Do I ave to bring the musses?
We do a fair job of keeping our dribble in the right spot,
We do.....mostly
And we have some really good dribblers
And stirrers
Now....where did I leave my spoon...............
Speaking of which Gordy go down to Bunnjng and grab some of that stripped pink and black plasti-dip and do ur alloys will look awesome.
Pretty sure I saw it somewhere between here and Gordys random chat thread
I tried stirrin in that thread once...they ganged up on me and scared me away