The daily dribble

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personally i think there are a few members lately who have taken it upon themselves to be the moral police, and think they can tell everyone how to behave, where to and when to speak, how we should all speak, how we should joke, when and when not to joke, and think we all or the forum needs saving from all of these so called massive issues mmmmmmmm

IMO if you have a problem flag it, send admin a PM, send the other member a pm no need to start chastising everyone who comes on here for a laugh and some good info or to offer some good info while we are at it.

I dont believe we need a mob of guardian angles reading every thread looking to see of they can find an issue or deliberately looking for a way to be offended and then speaking out about it on their soap box taking the moral high ground while patting them selves on the cock oops i meant back.

Look the way i see it is and this is only my silly opinion, if you dont like it report it to admin and move on, because most people are not going to take it lightly when you try and discipline them with your high moral standards with your nose up in the air looking down upon us mere mortals, if you have tried that tact then dont be surprised when people stand up and tell you to get stuffed.

Some keep saying this is not FACEBOOK, well yes you are very clever and it is not you are 100% correct.
HOWEVER it isnt DEAR DIARY or DOCTOR PHILL either nor is it the Bloody OPRAH so take your bleeding heart off to someone who gives a ****.

This place has loads of info and for those that need help every member tries to help out with advise ect no one gives them crap and in most part the topic go smoothly and in 90% threads the problem is solved and a solution is left for the next person to read and be helped by.

So if that is what happens with a few posts here and there with a bit of "dribble" then so what, in most part the forum is more help then anything else.

I wont be coming back if it goes down the path some are suggesting it should, we are not robots, we are all different with different lives and senses of humour and thats what makes this place AWESOME.

Ive been a member on the Ranger forum and it is way to sterile and i dont even bother going there very often at all and the member stats show im not the only one.
Lets not get carried away and wreck the place, after all you signed up for a reason,,,,,,,,, or was it just to "FIX" up this mess :dontknow:

oh and i forgot to sign off with a royal solute :thefinger: or was it :happy_smile: :hmmmm2:
I could say what is the problem and who the perpetrator is. We had an agreement with Tony that I abided on. The same respect has not been shown back.
If you keep coming on looking for trouble HAPPY JOHN
I WILL BAN YOU.....NO ********

pull your head in
I'm in Noosa having a nice weekend with the wife, but the nature of the role means I get an email alert on my phone when people report posts.

Play nicely please guys, I don't get paid for this job and the easiest way to fix things is with the ban stick and no-one wants that. Least of all me.

Understand that everyone is different, and doesn't necessarily conform to our expectations. It would be pretty boring if we were all the same.
thats it im offended now!! you didnt even realise i got two posts out of it!! if your not going to even recognise how well i whore then why do i bother?? pppfttt thsi place has lost it.

thats it im not coming on here anymore other then to get trips together, post when i think someones being naughty, post when i need to tell you guys im not coming on here any more, post about not posting and post only when i need to post because i realyy need to post.
Other then that im not posting !!

you BULLY!!
Maybe you should close this thread to sparra, before someone flags you again, and try's to run the place through the back door
Jealous much??

Maybe you should close this thread to sparra, before someone flags you again, and try's to run the place through the back door

i think there are a few who like the back door a little too much!! lol

they also like to play with them selves in the bush to apparently :hahaha:
yeah the same old people
come on and stir up mud, get a response they don't like then report the post (we all get a copy, nathan and I are mates, so what? I am mates with several members? )
it really is wearing me down
don't read it...don't get involved....grow up FFS
Jason or tony can close this thread if they see fit
mate you have been a member for a long time actually you would be one of the originals, how do rate the place and how do you think its changed?

some newer members seem to think we all need saving and the place is all of a sudden going to rack and ruin, what do you think about that? has it really changed with how many threads get hijacked or dribble thrown in?

personally I can see that there seems to be allot more people jumping up on their soap boxs and having a sook thats for sure.

The place is still a great source of info. Theres heaps of people here who are willing to help with any questions we might have.
Threads being hijacked has always been the same here , mainly from some of the older forum members that have moved on now, It was usually friendly banter.

As I think you are saying nathan, there is a minority of new members here who instead of tyring to fit in with the forum are instead causing nothing but pointless arguments.

Anyway, this forum is still a fountain of knowledge that has saved me quiet alot on mechanic bills over the years! Plus, 99% of the people on here are a friendly bunch!
i think there are a few who like the back door a little too much!! lol

they also like to play with them selves in the bush to apparently :hahaha:

Seems like one person has found a way of causing **** left right and center, personally I'm easy going and chat to nearly everyone,