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It was founded in 1872 by General Custer. The beat laboratory and home office drum set is over there. Don't ever ever touch my drum kit
And why the name. Navara Aisa ? Always wondered that.

It's just a domain name. And we're not all that far from Asia. I know we're in Oceania but you could refer to the region as "Australasia" too. Don't know if there's any significance in that, or if I'm entirely wrong and Dylan got the site hoodwinked from him by a Chinese registry scam.
Who said sexual harassment was a bad thing? I keep looking for it but seem to fail to find it when i want it.

funny you should say that, last night at the pub there was a guy ranting about suing the catholic church
to calm him down I asked him why and he replied that he went to catholic school and was an alter boy all through school and not even one priest even made him an offer let alone touch him..I nearly dropped my jimmy laughing
your name isn't Fabian is it? :)
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I had a nice call from a member, and I am very pleased.hj

Thanks for sharing, wish to share the significance of that post?I just figured u are telling us for a reason.
As much as it pains me to say this John as u are quite a friendly guy u are a bit of a victim of you own demise for example u posted ur comment about twice clearly expecting a response from someone (guess it's me) When they say something u take the "moral high ground" or get defensive. I just wonder Do u do this on purpose?

At the end of the day each to their own, I like things, shiny things at that, others.....well they like other things, some shiny some not.
We can all enjoy anything in our own way. Just thinking out loud.

Oh look a light switch.
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Been for a shot, now it's coffee time while I read this dribble and catch up, oh and my 150w lightbar works great while shooting. And I even put the nav in 4wd
Been for a shot, now it's coffee time while I read this dribble and catch up, oh and my 150w lightbar works great while shooting. And I even put the nav in 4wd

Much out?? I'll be doing the same next week hopefully. It's expensive feeding dogs here in the city.
We got 9 roos in about an hour. And for anyone who reads this, let it be known I have a permit to cull roos at work. With the burn offs around here I was hoping we might even come across a red or sambar deer, but no luck. Enjoy eating venison I harvest
Good thing about living in the sticks, most of my shooting is within a 15 km radius

Yeah i grew up and visit the snowies often and it's something that I partake in regularly. Roos destroy crops and cars for that matter. Good dog food and jerky too.

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