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I'm awake I'm awake! Kids are out alarm clock!

Did you know it is possible to fit nearly a full box of Nutri grain in the bottom draw of my daughters bed side cupboard when my son does the job. Neither did I until an hour ago!
Things you learn!
I'm awake I'm awake! Kids are out alarm clock!

Did you know it is possible to fit nearly a full box of Nutri grain in the bottom draw of my daughters bed side cupboard when my son does the job. Neither did I until an hour ago!
Things you learn!

I woke up to screaming tear fest with a blood lip after a wooden block throwing match arising from said 7 year old knocking over 4 year olds car garage in response to the knocking over of "my 100 story castle house"... Boys will be boys... It just amazes me that a 4 year old seems to towel up a 7 year old on a regular basis... Ahhh kids
thank god mine have grown up..
i woke to an mt bed :pissedoff: (wifey at work, must of got a call in)
2nd load of washing cleaned...laundry mopped...when the boy wakes he is mowing...
I hate leggo pieces in my speakers.....grankids grrrr
Hippopotamuses drink up to 250L of water in 24 hours

I wonder how much they go wee wees then?

I could murder a bacon egg roll... No bacon in my fridge :sad:

Oh look it's overcast

Go to the restaurant on the service lane near spotlight and the Simmonds office. They do a mad breaky.... I could go a Parma from sinners...
There's never a dull moment lol

It's fun... Even the times you're pulling your hair out you think about it later and it makes you laugh

Second that! You loose your free time, free money, privacy and all the good stuff but I tell ta it's worth every moment!!
Thanks for sharing, wish to share the significance of that post?I just figured u are telling us for a reason.
As much as it pains me to say this John as u are quite a friendly guy u are a bit of a victim of you own demise for example u posted ur comment about twice clearly expecting a response from someone (guess it's me) When they say something u take the "moral high ground" or get defensive. I just wonder Do u do this on purpose?

At the end of the day each to their own, I like things, shiny things at that, others.....well they like other things, some shiny some not.
We can all enjoy anything in our own way. Just thinking out loud.

Oh look a light switch.
I was simply thanking the 4 personal phone calls I received from fellow members via this thread. I did not expect a reply nor the above quote.
I was very disappointed with what transpired last night

To think I took my attention away from this informative thread to watch us go down to a bunch or sheep rooters who all play in the NRL anyways by such a margin.

So disappointed. Fire up Straya we got England next
My youngest is 15, so I casually woke up at 10am to him answering my mobile. Damn it's good the kids are older I get a sleep in.
Kids are great and I wouldn't change a thing after having 3 of them, well the wife had them I just watched. Bacon mm, time for a drive and another coffee
Im thinking people should only get to use the report button maybe once a month. And if they have been flagged as boring serial nutjobs, then it should be automatic ban when they hit the report button.
Who the **** ever even uses the report button?

Oh look a seagull, we must be near land
Im thinking people should only get to use the report button maybe once a month. And if they have been flagged as boring serial nutjobs, then it should be automatic ban when they hit the report button.
Who the **** ever even uses the report button?

Oh look a seagull, we must be near land

We need a like button, hits like hits like

We had a thank you button, but we wore out in about a week
In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand
and .Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.
an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain

Today is sunday
I enjoyed the night off and to my surprise I dont have to clean anything up thismorning......thanks
Its monday tomorrow..
..... look..
A bacon and egg roll...........

Did you know that a panda poo's out 80 % of what it eats and panda poo should fall apart easily when picked up
So if your panda's poo is dry or too compact and doesn't fall apart easily you may need a vet........or a new panda

and here is an interesting fact..............1/3rd of all divorce filings in 2011 in the US had a reference to........wait for it...........................................facebook
Hahaha. Where do you find this ****!? Keep it coming...

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