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Ill be right.

I dont feel to bad, bit tired but a can of Black V will wake me up.

How much fencing you got left Krafty ?
Shitloads, if it's not raining and too wet to get into the areas that need fences we are getting taken off one job to do other jobs. Spent half of this week preparing for silage storage because we hadn't really thought about it until the contractors came in and started cutting so another fence got forgotten and we had to do things like clear large areas, get tractors from other farm for moving the silage, getting tree stumps removed and adding gates to keep cows out.

Just heard from the doc that we had about 40mm of rain out at the farm last night and he reckons we should stay off site until Wednesday, but BOM are telling us there is about 50mm due on Wednesday too. I need a wet suit and flippers :big_smile:
You might need a diving suit me thinks.

Is the trusty old Kubota being used to remove the stumps ?
Nah we got a bloke in with a stump grinder, the cyprus trees were way to big to be dragged out with any machine, the smallest one was about 8 foot in diameter, we've got the saws to cut them but it was just another job that was easier to get the pros in to do. Problem was we had to spend a heap of time cleaning up around the stumps so they could get in there.

We've now got a stack of stumps which are about 20 foot high and 30 foot wide waiting for a match, but I don't think that bonfire will be lit until after summer, the stumps are too wet right now.
Ring the DEC in WA for tips.

They did some good back burning the other day.

Its got me !@#$%^ why they didn't do it in winter.
Yeah that's a major F'Up I hope someone pays for that. Usually here the Dept of Sparks and Embers gets away with bullshit like that but thankfully we haven't had anything that bad for a long time.

I don't even care that they didn't do it in winter, what I want to know is what sort of a deadshit decides that 37 degrees and high winds makes for a good day for back burning. They constantly berate firebugs (as they should) for picking days like that to light fires yet when a government employee does it it's ok. The same dick apparently also made the decision a few years ago to re-open a road too early after a bushfire and got 3 truckies killed when they got trapped in their rigs. I'd like to see the (*edited in case such statement could be deemed unjust*).
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Lucky for the people in charge that no one got killed.

You would think after those truck drivers got killed they would be abit more worried about there image.

However, you just have to be a good liar to be a politician and deny everything.

Actually used the Nav as a ute today for the first time in ages.

Have to carry a washing machine.

Hardest work she has done in ages. Haha.
The guy did get sacked after that truck driver incident apparently but typical government positions once the bullshit dies down they go back to doing what they do best, screwing over the public and they don't care how they do it.

Mine's covered in mud and cow shit at the moment, both inside and out. If I don't open the canopy every night when I get home the stink from gumboots is nearly deadly in the morning!
Nah we got a bloke in with a stump grinder, the cyprus trees were way to big to be dragged out with any machine, the smallest one was about 8 foot in diameter, we've got the saws to cut them but it was just another job that was easier to get the pros in to do. Problem was we had to spend a heap of time cleaning up around the stumps so they could get in there.

We've now got a stack of stumps which are about 20 foot high and 30 foot wide waiting for a match, but I don't think that bonfire will be lit until after summer, the stumps are too wet right now.

Ammonium nitrate:sarcastic: Its more fun :devil:
Farout! You guys are pumping away at this thread! I've gotten lazy and can't keep up!
Farout! You guys are pumping away at this thread! I've gotten lazy and can't keep up!
Yea good mate. Very busy. Spent Saturday sleeping. And then went out for drinks and dinner. Then spent all day today at the zoo. Got free tickets wen I bought my new CanonEOS. So decided to take the misses younger sister and friend.
Pretty unmotivated to move right now. How bout you mate?
Yea good mate. Very busy. Spent Saturday sleeping. And then went out for drinks and dinner. Then spent all day today at the zoo. Got free tickets wen I bought my new CanonEOS. So decided to take the misses younger sister and friend.
Pretty unmotivated to move right now. How bout you mate?

Just a drive down to the city to see some relatives on sunday

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