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So a Territory with a twin axle Expander on the back not long ago pulled up out the front of this place, their aim once they sorted themselves out was to reverse into the neighbours driveway.

After Ma Kettle got out to direct Pa Kettle starts his moves, so I watch out the window like a pervert in lovers lane and Pa begins his reversing from the kerb out the front, ok not a major deal just means he wants to use more of the mother in laws nature strip, I don't care it's not mine.

So Ma is given him terrible directions, she can't see him, he can't see her and they are yelling their little hearts out at each other, I'm surprised this thing is going anywhere. But what shocks me even more is that not one car out of about 20 using the same stretch of road stopped and gave the old fella room, they screamed past him in both directions, some even mounting the kerb to get around him.

So what I thought was a weird move not using all the road to make it as easy as possible turns out to be the only way to park a caravan in Perth because other road users are so goddam ignorant and can't wait 2 minutes to give a bloke a chance to reverse his caravan.

Makes me want to go and hire a B double and jack knife the bastard in the street just to piss people off.
When we stopped at a friend's place in Victoria during our Christmas 2009 trip they invited me to move the caravan into their driveway. Unfortunately the driveway was only just wide enough - by millimetres - and there was traffic on the road.

I did the only thing I could do. I pulled straight across the road, drove onto the front lawn of the house opposite, then reversed slowly into their driveway, holding up traffic in both directions and getting more than a few stares.

Only bastard about that was I got the thing so close to the fence I couldn't squeeze down the side to open the water tank, so I had to reach over the fence from their neighbour's place. "Don't worry about them, they're all out the back as nissed as pewts, they won't bother you". And they didn't.
When ever I have a trailer on or I'm in a truck I will take up as much as the road I want and not care about impatient pricks like I saw today and that's exactly what this old guy should have done but between Ma Kettle and his politeness I think he was doing a good job in a shitty situation.
When ever I have a trailer on or I'm in a truck I will take up as much as the road I want and not care about impatient pricks like I saw today and that's exactly what this old guy should have done but between Ma Kettle and his politeness I think he was doing a good job in a shitty situation.

I am the same when in the truck, I am bigger than the cars so they can wait. I wont pull out unless its safe but once i am out i take the room and time i need
Yeah it's just a pity there are so many impatient dickheads out there who want to share the road with us
I wont pull out unless its safe but once i am out i take the room and time i need

thats fine, but when an asshole pulls out just cause he's in a truck knowing and without caring who he cuts off well that fighting terms..
Lol, I just love taking my time to reverse the CT into the driveway. Get plenty of peeps getting impatient some times, but unless I recognise them as living in the block, they can FO.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a suburban back street and a place for kids to play and if they want to blurt up the street to avoid the cops on the main road, then I'm going to jerk them around. In all cases, they are going the long way around to get there anyway.
Nah I am old enough and wise enough to do my own. The boxing gloves are a new addition today but I don't plan on bringing them out for a little while yet.
I ended up sitting here avoiding the hoards of annoying females (and two piss weak males) and their wedding talk. There was SFA on TV but I was entertained by Krankin for most of the night :big_smile:
FFS! It's 11am and the silly moles getting ready for the wedding have already been through 4 bottles of grape juice between 6 of them. Looks like it's going to be a good wedding with all the two pot screamers in this family.

Gotta love the two "men" down there though, they are sitting amongst a bunch of women trash talking about how they take no shit from anyone and no one would ever be game to stand up to them yet they are sitting there without the TV on watching Bathurst on a mobile phone because mummy and wifey told them they aren't allowed to leave the house :big_smile:
So there wives have there balls in there handbag.

Dude, hit the piss yourself and make your own fun.
Nah I gotta drive so I'll be playing good boy tonight.

Also being sober means they can't blame the alcohol if I happen to speak my mind.
Apparently there is some sort of event happening soon that I'm suppose to be getting ready for. Apparently we need to leave for the church in 20 mines and I'm sitting on the bed in shorts and a Motorhead t-shirt...guess I'm dressed for church :rock:

Isn't it traditional for the brother in law to to turn up late?

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