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Nah I need a car seat in the car and it's easier to stay sober and not rely on taxis and other such methods of travel.

By the time I get back home in a week or so you'll hit 10,000 posts :ha:
thats fine, but when an asshole pulls out just cause he's in a truck knowing and without caring who he cuts off well that fighting terms..

I save that for the car, I love playing games with bikes, Played with a cock on a harley last time i went to melbourne giving his little poofta bike a rev to get me to move out of his way, i did move to block the prick. Mobile speed bump:sarcastic:
Thank christ for kids, our kidlet was in a real shitty mood and getting worse so it gave us a good excuse to get out of the place at 9:30. The piss pots were already in charge and making idiots of themselves and the photographer decided it was time to do family photos so we did our bit and got one photo and made a bee line for the door. It's moments like those that make you realise why you had kids :big_smile:
Thank christ for kids, our kidlet was in a real shitty mood and getting worse so it gave us a good excuse to get out of the place at 9:30. The piss pots were already in charge and making idiots of themselves and the photographer decided it was time to do family photos so we did our bit and got one photo and made a bee line for the door. It's moments like those that make you realise why you had kids :big_smile:

Faaark..9:30...you did'nt even wait for the"chicken song"...party pooper.

sorry will have continue later, was just up setting up the 62inch, amp and stuff for an early awakening and THE BIG RACE....couch potatoe today much to the wifey's discust.

ni ni..
Hey we had the Wiggles and hi-5 before the first course so it was all good.

However trust me 3 hours in a room with these idiots was more than enough, we came home and had a few drinks with people we actually give a shit about.

Race started at 7:30 here which is a bit harder after not going to bed until 2am but it finished here about 2:30-3 which means we still have time to go down the beer shop and replenish supplies before dinner :big_smile:
I dunno about that, but I do know I wouldn't hit her after seeing that picture, she's looked much better in other pics.
Ooooh, yeah Dave....she is quite a yummy mummy.


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