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I'd give you the bullshitters plaque to hang on your wall but it got stolen by a wannabe and we haven't see it for a long time.
Oh yeah it must nearly be time for a new vote on that you've had it for a while.

I still want to know if 2 inch balls are accepted or if I need to find 2 1/4 inch balls.....for a pool and snooker set for all you dirty mined buggers than don't read back :ha:
While your on the subject...we need a new poll..

Do you, wax, shave, pluck, nair or clip your ballsacks

I want these balls for some one else so I'm not sure if I have to rub them before hand over.

Krankin: you forgot all the above.
he can count em up, as long as get no ideas on touching them...but then again he's from NSW.
Awe you are sweet Dave.

No pub for me, parked in and don't want to loose my garage spot :big_smile: Besides watching the people around here park caravans is so much more entertaining.
How to piss people off. Fit those bloody dunny roll holders that only pivot a certain distance, a distance that only allows you to rip off 2 squares at a time. Then, put cheap shitty dunny paper on it that rips in half when you go to pull it off. Then put a lock on the bloody thing so you can't take the dunny roll off unless you have the key, yes, a bloody key!!!

And another good trick is to put the f'ing bloody holder back so far you have to twist around to reach the bloody thing coz it's behind you. BASTARDS!
^ Oh that commercial grade toilet paper.

Id love to punch that prick who invented it, in the face.

Its like wiping your !@#$ with sand paper.
Gee remind me never to shit at your place if you know what sand paper on the arse feels like.

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