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Mother in law was directing us down to Rockingham this morning and about 1k from a roundabout she says we need to go right at the next roundabout so get in the right lane. As we approach she says I need to go right then turn left. Getting closer I could see what she was saying was ridiculous but she maintained she was right so I decided I was going to ignore her and the missus says are you sure we aren't suppose to go straight ahead to which the MIL says YES.

Can't for the life of me figure out in which world go right and turn left equals going straight ahead but I reckon I'd have got some abuse if I tried to go right and turn left from the right lane at a roundabout.
Krafty, going both right and left at the same time equals straight. Centrifugal force as your brain spins trying to sort things out cause a tangential linear force that just happens to coincide with the original trajectory. Unfortunately this also causes all the good things you were thinking about to become crushed in the event horizon of the black hole formed when you try to actually make sense of what they're wanting.
Maybe that was the problem, my thoughts had already been crushed by just being here and I subconsciously knew what the crazy woman was talking about.
yea its crap, i was hoping to get some stuff done on my nav tonight, maybe after the muster.
Glad you bastards finally got it. It's rained nearly every day since I've been in WA and I'm bloody sick of the wet stuff.
I heard the temperature went into the negatives in some places over there today.
Luck you didn't get snowed in.
You've been reading his website too have you joshy? :sarcastic:

Speaking of useless pricks on the web, that bloody Pat Calinan now thinks I want to hear his ramblings, knew I should never have entered anything with his name on it.
Read the email I'm fairly sure that's what it's about, that an advertising his new website.

There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom but I'm going to see how many emails he sends before I jump ship, never know he might one day have something useful on his website.
Naah,it came through in junk so i deleted it without reading it first.
Maybe it was to say i won the prize.

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