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That must be a fake photo because a toyota could never get stuck:sarcastic::sarcastic::happy_smile:
Judging by the tracks as hes come out of the corner, I'd say over correct, then got it crossed up. Oh and the 'P' plate is a bit of a hint too. hehe
Looks like it has spun around and is facing the way it came from? No tracks behind it that match up?
Off to the Cleo forums for you.

Although I did say "we" need to find you one so I'll go and hunt down Cleo you shave your back
2 days left as a Navara owner. Its been fun. Got to give it a good clean out tommorrow, I pick up the new Patrol monday arvo. I'm looking forward to the nice smooth ride and the auto lol.

Mines being traded in pretty much as it is, with locker, bars, canopy etc, so will hopefully be bought by a 4wder, not a soccer mum. We might see the new owner on here at some time. I will hang around here and still come on some runs if a patrol is allowed haha, I have met some nice people on here and it is good entertainment.

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