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Ummmmm, 360+ days to recover before the next ANZAC day. Although i am a year older my aim is to drink more bears and bourbons than the previous year. I succeeded this year :rock: And i'm now paying for it :bad:

First beer cracked at 7am.
No pub for me, done my arse on finance this week
Finance through for STX550 today, also $24k on a thermal imaging camera & a D22 DX tray back tradie ute.

Quite a week all in all
wow must be a good thermal imaging camera, i was looking at some about a month ago but i was only looking at about 4 grand
I'm moving my business away from electrical contracting and into testing, at least thats the plan, I spent the majority of my apprenticeship in the UK doing testing and australia is well behind the 8 ball.
Thermal imaging camera lets us see temperature variations, commonly in electrical switchboards, which lead to faults, its a useful tool in a preventitive maintenance program.

Onlock- Yeah its a good camera, as I want to do this professionally I need a fully radiometric camera, with a high resolution image, if you're thinking about buying one i'd recommend doing your research, it comes down to what your clients want to see. PM me if you want any info, i've done a shitload of research on this over the last few years.

Or just get me to do it for you and add a margin! ;-)
Good night out.

Went out with $150, came home with $380 after shouting drinks.

Thank you good pokies.

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