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Being as i live in hill billy heaven, I came home parked the truck in the front yard room for at least 3 more . Admired the serenity , looked over the fence at the neighbors oh yeah i forgot i dont have any bush bush and more bush no wankers driftin there rice burners in my street and no westy trash yellin at there 4 kids with 5 different fathers you can keep the burbs aido:sarcastic:
no westy trash yellin at there 4 kids with 5 different fathers

Thats the truth......I spent some time admiring my back paddock last year whilst the current "Father" was going through a "seperation period" with the "SLUT" He is shacked up with.
Now portable phones are good for moving around the house but not terrific for wandering around your backyard and broadcasting how much of a "Slut" your current wife is and who is going to get custody of the inbreeds with ADHD and Asbergers. Needless to say they patched up their differences ( over a bottle of bourbon that they both had joint custody to ) and now continue to inhabit the house over the back fence.
Fuck I hate the burbs!
Scotty Beam me up!
Well it appears to have been released in Europe some time last year so it's not exactly new but I'd reckon Nissan Australia would be ignoring it atleast for the time being because they'd have to price it so high.
Why not just bring back the Urvan ?

Mitsubishi will be replacing there Express van with the Nissan Urvan being rebadged this year.
Nah bring back the Nissan Prairie...oh crap does that bring back some hippy memories.
What a heap of shit, the old Prairie.

Wondering if the designers got fired over that mistake.
Nah it was brilliant, bastard went forever, expect when it was broken down, could carry one passenger and still carry the guitar amps, required zero maintenance and got about 300 mile to the gallon all with a huge yellow flower sticking out the grill. I know of atleast one Prairie driver who would rather 3 of those than any other car in the world.
It's like what footy players say after a trip...

....What went on in that Prairie stays in the Prairie. The old girl took us to many gigs and festivals and it was a reliable old girl most of the time and was only one step away from the original bongo van so it did alright for a $2000 car. And too see it driving around for atleast 3 years with that huge bloody flower sticking out the grill just proves that crime in Melbourne wasn't as bad as some people used to say it was because the car was our Friday night gig van most weeks and it spent hours parked in city streets and carparks. It had the added bonus that even a dead beat thief would want to be seen driving it so we could nearly leave the damn thing unlocked and always return to it.
Back then I wasn't really on any instrument (I'd occasionally sing back up) I was either manager, road manager, drinks manager or money collector but he who owned the Prairie was mainly a guitarist but he also had 19 instruments in his repertoire.
Anyone with a Jeep out there?

I keep getting the Jeep ad in between posts on this forum and I was thinking it would be ridiculously stupid to replicate the LED display pictured in the image, it would be like the front end of KITT only or a larger scale. Would really suit some of those doof doof wankers that cruise the streets at night trying to prove how silly they are.
He only has his Moto licence at the moment.

Might have be patient mate and wait a few months.
If someone else sees the ad as often as I have lately they are bound to get the same idea and I'd love to see it.

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