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At one stage, The boss was taken with the idea of a 5 acre block, until I pointed out that houses were so close togher that you would still hear local.tony sounding off. She then lost interest. Price also helped. Plus we knew that many of the current blocks had had a nice open forest looks when subdivided and new owners were fast turning them into 5 acres of grass that required continual mowing.

Hmm, better not show her the 214 acre block up there. The bit about carrying 30 cows and calves might make it a sure sale.
Nah they are actually cheaper because they are smaller, scruffier and require less work, the downside is they are sheep, but they definitely wont moo.
Tony knows the area I mean't, its about 80km's south west of Tamworth.

Took the Nav to Sydney on saturday with a car trailer in tow.

Anyways picked up a U12 Pintara TRX and went to load it near the dock.

Anyways standing around talking and waiting for old mate to rock up, a Custom's security guard pulls up.

He gets out and ask's what were doing as we were in 10 metres on there land as I missed the sign. We explain and he tells us its a offence and we could get a $1500 dollar fine.

He was good about it, recorded what happened and didn't give us a fine and he goes up to the gate at the Custom's holding yard and ask's the man on the gate if we could go in there and turn around.

Comes back and tells us we can go in there and turn around instead of reversing. Thumbs up as that was good of him.

Anyways, filled up the Nav last night and got a average of 10.57L for the whole tank.

Pretty happy with that as the trailer and car would of been about 2.2 tonne.

EGT's hit 420 max on the hills on the freeway and the lowest speed was 60km/h up Mooney Mooney.
He must have seen you were in a D22 and decided you didn't know how to reverse a trailer so he let you turn it around :ha:
To raise the baa a bit and moo-ve the discussion along, I don't mind the blighters. I've still got the sheep spreader bar and a nice block and tackle to hang off the tree. These days I would also invest in a powered hole digger. So frigging over digging holes to bury guts.
We have a bucket on the tractor for about 8 months of the year (then it gets replaced with hay forks) so digging holes isn't an issue for us but we also have several locations on the different farms where the digging of holes isn't required. But we don't bury the guts, it's all or nothing with our animals, if they die on site we remove them to the graveyard otherwise they are alive and kicking when the truck leaves....they are worth more money when they are in that state.
Naa, just cutting out a few middle men between farm and table. If we brought something like I was posting about, it would function as table meat supply.
We don't use our own farms for freezer meat so we don't need to do our own butchery, one of the cows had to have a c-section last week and that's about as close as we get to cutting and slicing.
I've been away for 5 days and find there are 921 new posts in 178 threads ( thats 8 pages of new shit I need to filter through)

Cant be arsed can anyone just give me a brief synopsis of what happened this week?
I've been away for 5 days and find there are 921 new posts in 178 threads ( thats 8 pages of new shit I need to filter through)

Cant be arsed can anyone just give me a brief synopsis of what happened this week?

Yep, those 178 threads contain 921 posts of the same old shit:sarcastic:

How's the house and banjo hunting going for that country life style??
Got home this arvo from a week away and greeted with the neighbours....
1. Driving into the estate was cut off at roundabout by farkwit who was using the estate as his own drifting practice...Nice one at 3:45 and kids everywhere. Personalised plate and ANOTHER phone call to the Sunbury desk to report same. They know who he and his mate are and shall be paying visits
2. Open the beer fridge and begin to enjoy the vista of my back paddock (9m x 19m) that abuts the neighbours place with an 8ft paling fence. Interupted by a Mother over said back fence by telling her beloved children to.."Get the FARK outside and leave me the FARK alone you FARKING Kahrnts!" ....seriously not making this up. Next call is going to be to DHS just because I know that they can torture the little inbreeds better than their own parents!

Fark me I'll take 900acres in Tatura any day!
Just cause I can I thought I might just add to the cacophony of our neighbours barking dogs, screaming children and planes flying overhead.
Fired up the 9 in the garage just now and let it burble away until warm then give it a few revs.....Minus flywheel plus jet kit and advanced timing it runs a bit rich so with every blip of the throttle it emits a blue flame from the full race exhaust and a loud exclamation mark!
Can only annoy the rest of them for about 4 mins though as the headers glow red hot, start to melt the fairings and the new paint.
Damn if I wasn't spending all me spare dollars on 4x4 I want to get another track day ASAP. Need some new tyres though. $500 for the set means that I'm a month away...Fark the Navara

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