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Yeah that would be right, the ads are all targeted at me, you bloody mods don't get them :eviltongue:
Well the ads are different for everybody thats what target marketing is about and Google are pretty clever in what they do but surely my searching habits aren't that weird that all I'm allowed to see are ads for Motorola and Jeep. It does make me wonder what I search for though because those ads come up on a number of forums for me.
I clear my cookies every day, paranoid I know, but sometimes I wonder how they manage to slip an add in that targets me! Dinner time, she has spoken!!

Cheers Brad
It's not purely cookies it's cache as well, and ISP cache and many other little tell tales you don't ever see or hear about.
I didn't think I was, in fact I only ever once remember going to their site so buggered if I know which parts of my searches Google are looking at to come to the conclusion that I want Motorola mobile phones and Jeeps but it appears for me on a lot of sites. Maybe because I was having a fight with a Google rep about how crappy their service is a few weeks ago they are force feeding me all the crappy ads for not towing the line and helping them get world domination. Please Mr Google let me go and give me some other banner ads to read!!
Nah I don't need to search for those there is one in the garage, maybe google has tapped into my subconscious....aren't they in for a hell of a ride.
Yep,taking the missus camping,heading for the mountains.A bit of light 4x4 so as not to terrify her.Big camp fires and camp oven roasts,hook some trout.
Weather forecast is fine and sunny from friday arvo onwards.
You taking the new boat for a spin?
Yep,taking the missus camping,heading for the mountains.A bit of light 4x4 so as not to terrify her.Big camp fires and camp oven roasts,hook some trout.
Weather forecast is fine and sunny from friday arvo onwards.
You taking the new boat for a spin?

Sounds beautiful, enjoy!

Yeah heading out for a fish tommorrow and will have a birds eye view of all the boats leaving in the Bris to Gladstone race.
Do you cop the nor-easter wind up there?I had a boat in the late ninety's and fished the vic-nsw sth coast a bit,good in the morning but by about 11am the nor-east sea breeze would come up and give us a rough ride home.More in the warmer months.
Do you cop the nor-easter wind up there?I had a boat in the late ninety's and fished the vic-nsw sth coast a bit,good in the morning but by about 11am the nor-east sea breeze would come up and give us a rough ride home.More in the warmer months.

Nothing routine like that, the breeze can drop off in the arvo as often as it can pick up. It's 5 to 10 knots tommorrow so should be pretty nice out there, maybe not so good for the yachts though.
Has the fresh water from the floods running into the ocean effected the reefs and the fish stocks at all?
Has the fresh water from the floods running into the ocean effected the reefs and the fish stocks at all?

A lot of people blame it but honestly I dont really think it has, though I am no pro fisherman. The fish all took off when it was really fresh but some are getting good catches now. Its a bit hard navigating around the place after the floods though, lots of beacons got wiped out and a lot of the waterways are quite different to what they were before, you have to be careful where the new shallow spots are.

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