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don't drink and drive, wipe off 5, it'll give you more time to finish another can!

why do i feel like i'm filling in time today?????????????????????????????????????? i hate being unproductive, it's such a waste of life...........................................................

"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception."

"I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30."

This is today's favourite...

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."
Finally scored another full time job today, after losing my previous job in late January. Thanks Christ too, getting sick of digging spuds as a fill-in.

Yay for me!
My day was pretty good :) I spent all day in low range towing a 2 tonne spreader around a 500 acre paddock. It's pretty hilly and sandy so my d40 was singing all day and 60l of fuel later. I tell ya what tho the work I've done to my ute certainly makes the job easier. Muddies and a lift with my new chip and better breathing just all help that torque do it's job and kick ass. I'm using a gps and my cruise control so it's pretty good sitting in the cockpit all day. After todays flogging I did how ever stop on a hill for phone service and order a extreme outback single mass clutch. I think I've done the right thing :). DMF system sucks balls. The horrible screeching sound under shear power is too much now. Haha.
Bad for me, i,ve got the next two weeks off work, Had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee. Was told i would be off work for a couple of days by the doc, Thought its good. Come out of surgery to be told take a fortnight off, Two days later i,m bored shiteless already
You can try, I've got a few jobs on over the next few weeks and all of them are from home so you can definitely try.
Yeah I've got those sort of jobs, a front garden and some landscaping, filling in of some water features and a relocation for the outside tap but none of them are rush jobs right now.

I've recently decided to change directions again, the web stuff and the PC support was giving me the shits, I'll keep supporting current clients and letting the sites I have make money to keep me out of the poor house but I'm not taking on anything new.

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