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Sambar is big and plenty of meat, but i wouldnt want to hit one in a car

Not as bad as hitting 8 cows (killed 4 or 5 outright) in a brand new white 12 tonner at 85kph :big_smile:

Got your text yesterday, nice shot...was busy cleaning up a house trying to off load 80 years of crap of forgot to acknowledge the text until at 10pm and I know how you like to be in bed by 8pm on a Sunday night :sarcastic:
Shit. That sux mate. All it takes is for some dodgy scum bag to try and scam some money and you get the shaft.
Hope you find something soon.
Not as bad as hitting 8 cows (killed 4 or 5 outright) in a brand new white 12 tonner at 85kph :big_smile:

Got your text yesterday, nice shot...was busy cleaning up a house trying to off load 80 years of crap of forgot to acknowledge the text until at 10pm and I know how you like to be in bed by 8pm on a Sunday night :sarcastic:

Went out for tea last night, my sons girlfriend had her 21st, so I stayed up past my bed time. :rofl2:

Only ever hit one cow, was in a old acco twin steer with a big old style steel bullbar, lucky for me but not the cow.
Went out for tea last night, my sons girlfriend had her 21st, so I stayed up past my bed time. :rofl2:

Early to bed tonight or you'll wake up grumpy tomorrow.

Man I've spent the morning going through a heap of camera gear, all old film stuff anything from the little point and shoot cheapies to a full blown Pentax kit with coloured filters, 8 different lens and several flash kits. By quick look ebay prices only there is over $2000 worth of gear here. 1 fish eye lens is selling on ebay uk for nearly $1000.

Also found 3 original WEG VFL grand final posters (Hearld Newpaper ones) in mint condition from the mid 70's and early 80's that a quick search came up with min $620 each for.
Yeah grand fathers shit and god damn some of it was shit.

I'm not planning on getting rid of the WEG posters they are from a time when I actually gave a shit about VFL football and they were my team. Always loved the Tiger picture WEG drew.
Gave my grandfather a hand years ago to clean out my great grandfathers house, came across about a dozen of the old penny bungers, they still went bang and it was a big bang
And they reckon our generation horded some shit :big_smile:

I found a pair of 1930's German opera glasses, then on the other end of the scale 2 x 50 cal bullets with the pin drilled out and ammo removed and a mortar shell.
We filled a 4m skip yesterday (although half of that was garden waste) and we are going to go close to filling another one next week and that's not offloading any furniture yet.

We've kept quite a few odds and sods, we've taken some stuff my bro wants to sell at a garage sale and we still have all the old crockery and shit to get valued but alot of stuff has gone out the door without a second glance.
Mine was a white 12 tonne Suzie pantech with 780ks on the clock. Came around a corner at about 80-85kph about 5:30am hit the mob on the road and had nowhere to go, there was fur and cowshit spread across the new white panel work in all manner of places. Bullbar was twisted and ruined (but I hit cows not bulls so that's fair enough :ha:) the white pan was scratched and covered in who knows what and I trashed about 4 dollies (96 crates) of bread.

Strange thing was my bro did almost an identical thing in a 12 tonne UD which wasn't much older expect he killed more cows outright than I did.
We filled a 4m skip yesterday (although half of that was garden waste) and we are going to go close to filling another one next week and that's not offloading any furniture yet.

We've kept quite a few odds and sods, we've taken some stuff my bro wants to sell at a garage sale and we still have all the old crockery and shit to get valued but alot of stuff has gone out the door without a second glance.

i used to work for a elec Co that had the maint contract at Simsmetal......none of the primadona sparkies hated the place and they used to send me there cause i was not in the clicky crew.....but **** i loved it there...it was truly a gold mine...pickers paradise.
Once upon a time one used to be allowed to pick through shit at the tip. but now the only people allowed to do that are the bastards who run the place because apparently our trash is their treasure.

When ever we offload bin fulls of crap like that we always make sure all electrical goods are either dismantled or not able to be connected. Anyone with a small bit of electrical knowledge can put a lead on an item but at least they can't blame us for off loading faulty goods if they try to make them work.
Hard Rubbish collection? What's that?

We haven't had such a thing down here for about 15 years because our council deem it a health and safety risk and are apparently taking a stand against it. We do get 3 subsidised tip visits a year because of it but we aren't allowed to offload fridges, tyres and that sort of stuff without paying anyway so the subsidy aint worth shit.

Cost us $110 for a skip bin down here, cost $480 for the skip bin we had down in Melbourne over the weekend and apparently some city tips want over $100 for dumping trailer loads of rubbish. It's unbelievable, once upon a time tips used to be dirty places no one wanted to work at now they call them refuge stations and apparently everything inside those gates is like gold to the pricks who run the places.
yep its hwy robbery again from the bastard councils/gubmints...pffft

I never had hard rubbish here but mum still does in Melb

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