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If you actually read his thread you'll see plenty of people have gone a long way into it because they keep asking questions. FB doesn't know the answer to any of the technical things because he's just the dunny cleaner at Nissan but they are asking.

I took the time to read back through this and I am shocked and outraged at this comment. How dare you tell people the truth!
:hmmmm2:What is this game you speak of?????

That is exactly how I feel when it all comes up on TV News. Which one of the frigging four ball fondling games are they talking about now. When I was a kid, it was simple, it was Rugby League and Saints was it, end of story.

Rugby Union was a snobby toff version of the RL, but I'm screwed how the old man came to play it at our(his, mine and little bro) school and was in the school's top team since there was no tofies around for 50 miles.

Soccer was for poofs and AFL was for the fairies in Melbourne.

Speaking of chickens, hawks, and magpies, are they by any chance golf expressions? I know it has eagles, birdies and some other winged varmit.
:hmmmm2:What is this game you speak of?????

It's a weekend Aussie pastime to go out and play with another blokes balls. And if you don't play it you sit there and watch it and get all uptight when one guy handles the other guys balls in a way you don't agree with.

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