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Oh, dont get me wrong, I hate the hot weather and love the rain, and besides rain gives life to the landscape and makes it look magnificent.
Just got through 13 years of drought and bushfires:devil:

it can rain all year as far as I'm concerned
I dont mind the heat, dont mind the rain either.

Its Australia, the best country on earth.

Its Australia, the best country on earth.


my word it is

My Country

The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror -
The wide brown land for me!

A stark white ring-barked forest
All tragic to the moon,
The sapphire-misted mountains,
The hot gold hush of noon.
Green tangle of the brushes,
Where lithe lianas coil,
And orchids deck the tree-tops
And ferns the warm dark soil.

Core of my heart, my country!
Her pitiless blue sky,
When sick at heart, around us,
We see the cattle die -
But then the grey clouds gather,
And we can bless again
The drumming of an army,
The steady, soaking rain.

Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the Rainbow Gold,
For flood and fire and famine,
She pays us back threefold -
Over the thirsty paddocks,
Watch, after many days,
The filmy veil of greenness
That thickens as we gaze.

An opal-hearted country,
A wilful, lavish land -
All you who have not loved her,
You will not understand -
Though earth holds many splendours,
Wherever I may die,
I know to what brown country
My homing thoughts will fly.

Dorothea Mackellar

http://www.dorotheamackellar.com.au/ | copyright information | © 2003 | Site by
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Oh, dont get me wrong, I hate the hot weather and love the rain, and besides rain gives life to the landscape and makes it look magnificent.
Just got through 13 years of drought and bushfires:devil:

it can rain all year as far as I'm concerned

Stuff the rain,i work outdoors and i have had a gutfull of the shit.
Couldnt give a rats if it didnt rain for months.
When u have to use electric tools and stomp thru mud,,f@#k it....
costing me in lost time...:rock:
Got flashed at the traffic lights tonigh,might contest it when i get the fine.
i stopped in the turning lane which had a red arrow,so i check whats coming behind me,the road is all clear so i proceed STRAIGHT ahead which had a green light and i get flashed..
Now i reckon since i didnt turn against a red light but went straight with a green light,i should be OK...
What do you reckon? fight it or pay it?

Its been all this time since then,and NO FINE.....woooohoooo:rock:

Yes, probably a wise choice.

seems like a few liberal's here.

which is it Scotty, you like or dont like unions, cant have it both ways.:big_smile:


Solidarity comrades....ETU

Yes you can have it both ways Krankin.It's my choice on who I like and who I don't.Being an owner of a business in the construction industry the CFMEU suck.They have done nothing for me accept for cost me money and builders the like.What happens to the worker when the company goes broke because of lost time ,tool box meetings,the dunnies are dirty close the site and the shit like that.
The UFU on the other hand is a government based union for government workers :Fire fighters working for better pay conditions for a high risk job.
They are fighting the government and insurance companies for more money not builders.The safety side of the union faction I like,but the stand over and bullying tactics and brain washing they use is bullshit.Unfortunately they are a neccessary evil.:devil:
you wont be saying that when you get flooded out of your home......come on sun....dry it all out again.
Its supposed to be summer,,,swimming etc...not this shit

If it floods you can swim.

Jimmy I ain't a Liberal fan at all, I just think if someone deserves to be fired because there useless the should be sacked.

Sure Kevin Rudd was a dick but he spent money on infastructure that needed to be put in place.

Howards claim to fame was that he got the country out of debt, how did he do it ? He never spent money, Rudd approved alot of Infastructure upgrades up here that should have been done 10 years ago.

you wont be saying that when you get flooded out of your home......come on sun....dry it all out again.
Its supposed to be summer,,,swimming etc...not this shit

if i get flooded theres something wrong. The house is 670 meters above sea level smack bang on top of the divide
Problem is in Queensland, Dave, is we have a Labor government that spends money she ain't got and then tries to sell off public owned stuff. But she's still spending.

Yes you can have it both ways Krankin.It's my choice on who I like and who I don't.Being an owner of a business in the construction industry the CFMEU suck.They have done nothing for me accept for cost me money and builders the like.What happens to the worker when the company goes broke because of lost time ,tool box meetings,the dunnies are dirty close the site and the shit like that.
The UFU on the other hand is a government based union for government workers :Fire fighters working for better pay conditions for a high risk job.
They are fighting the government and insurance companies for more money not builders.The safety side of the union faction I like,but the stand over and bullying tactics and brain washing they use is bullshit.Unfortunately they are a neccessary evil.:devil:

well what do you expect them to do for you, your a buisness owner,
the union is for the worker.
if i had my own buisness i would'nt be in the union either, but with neca, they're the union for electrical employers...simple mate
if it was as bad on every site as you mention above, nothing would be built, but things are built everyday.
my etu has done heaps for me and all the other members and even the cheap scumbags who wont pay their fees but gladly collect our conditions.
is firefighting more dangerous/high risk than any other job/trade?

i think not...
who has more fatalities, firefighters or construction workers?..
imagine how worse it would be if we had no unions

Problem is in Queensland, Dave, is we have a Labor government that spends money she ain't got and then tries to sell off public owned stuff. But she's still spending.


Cant comment to much on QLD but NSW ain't much better.

Selling off QR National will send QR National down hill. It happened with Telstra.

But then again, Telstra is getting screwed over by the goverment. You wanna do something, Goverment replies Na you cant do it as we dont want it to happen.

If it floods you can swim.

Jimmy I ain't a Liberal fan at all, I just think if someone deserves to be fired because there useless the should be sacked.

Sure Kevin Rudd was a dick but he spent money on infastructure that needed to be put in place.

Howards claim to fame was that he got the country out of debt, how did he do it ? He never spent money, Rudd approved alot of Infastructure upgrades up here that should have been done 10 years ago.


yep thats right,

and i have seen a few people/members get the arse and they deserved it, and got no backing.
theres lots of ways to get rid of deadwood without getting the union arcing up.
I bloody hope your name isn't Noah.

nah but it feels like it 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 chooks , 1 lonely sheep . The goats are gone, no more guinee pigs. Dinner the friesan steer. And my wifes friend patch the angus hiefer I love living in the country in this great country
Qld Gov also took the water supply off all the local councils, set up a new dept - Unity Water - and wasted millions with desalination plant (now mothballed), new dam (Traveston- never went ahead but acquired all the land needed) pipelines etc. and then force all of us to pay increased water rates (30% rise this year, more next year). And the first thing Unity management did was give themselves a decent payrise!

if i get flooded theres something wrong. The house is 670 meters above sea level smack bang on top of the divide

in that case your safe,but all the low laying houses are in the shit...just look at the news from around VIC/NSW and you want more rain....
in that case your safe,but all the low laying houses are in the shit...just look at the news from around VIC/NSW and you want more rain....

i didnt ask for more , but it stopped in 1996 so might just make the most of it. Where i live we used to joke that it rains for 9 months of the year , and drips from the trees the other 3
I'm with Krankin. Go the rain Go the rain!

We've got all the sheep undercover now so they will be dry for the weekend sheer, the paddocks have recovered nicely with the sunshine and the grass is growing in places it hasn't grown for years. All the youngens are up and supporting themselves, sure stage 2 of the dairy rebuild and the hay shed rebuild will be put on hold but who wants to do them in the hot summer sun anyway. Just give us 3 days of sunshine to do the hay and then it can piss down for a month for all I care.

This rain isn't really that new to us anyway, the first 7 years I lived in this area it bucketed down the first week of December, all the creeks would flood over the road, the dead willows would clog up the creeks and the animals would need to be shifted to high grounds. It's just like coming full circle in 25 odd years.

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