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The idea of burning the RMW stamp into leather brings up some nasty imagery, but his shoe selection is his choice, I think he usually prefers the 4" stilettos he wears to the pub.
Use know me to well, Krafty loves my Stilettos. So much so that I haven't seen them in months, bring em back.

Oh and I have RM Williams floor mats, good enough ?

Oh they were yours? Dammit I tried using them as boomerangs to kill a few rabbits last weekend, looks like I'll have to owe you a new pair.
No no no, you were using them to airate your grass in that fluro pink dress.

Did they do the trick ?

Actually if you ever saw my front yard you'd know that isn't true (the heels bit, the dress is true). I wouldn't even call what I have in my front yard grass, it's closer to weeds. (and not the good kind)
Yeah ours is shit aswell, fair bit of fire weed coming through.

Have to get the sulfate of ammonia out and kill those weeds.

I'm hopefully going to move house in the next 6 months so the new owners can deal with it.

Go Astro Boy Go!!
Nah spent all day yesterday chasing problems with the electric fence, chasing sheep and carting cows and I'm knackered so I'm trying to do some farm related stuff indoors. I've been told it would be wise to stay inside for a few days because of an eye infection so I'm behaving myself so it doesn't get worse because we've got too much work on this weekend to be down a man (or me)

How about you?
Started out quiet, but some moron at Telstra remembered there was extra work that had to be sent out so I got extra work.

Indeed with Telstra, there pretty good usually but some people need to be fired.

Alot of the linies should of been fired years ago but the Union kept them in a job, doesn't matter how lazy you are the union will keep you in a job.

Never liked Unions or what they stand for and never will. But that's a can of worms that shouldn't be opened.
F@#K the unions.They say they are their for the workers and when they send a company broke and all of these people are out of work they say oh well to bad.Wankers.
The only union I think is good is the UFU (united firefighters union.)
They do stand for something.
Never liked Unions or what they stand for and never will. But that's a can of worms that shouldn't be opened.

Yes, probably a wise choice.

seems like a few liberal's here.

which is it Scotty, you like or dont like unions, cant have it both ways.:big_smile:

Solidarity comrades....ETU
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Farkin peltin down at Beechworth atm.
just got down from atop Mt Stanley just in time, though wonder if the town will still be here by morning:sad:

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