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To get rid of the ipod's they annoy the crap out of me and I also want to be able to store some maps and it's easier that card or usb
Makes sense.

If you cant find the answer see if anyone else knows of a unit that will do what you want.

I've been down that path a few times (I know how to use the search function :big_smile:) I've found a few possible options but my suppliers can't get them so I'm just playing a waiting game and seeing if the ones my suppliers can get ever make exactly what I want, not in a huge rush for anything so I'm happy to wait at this stage.
the random chat thread has as many posts as i have done ... hehehehe

i wonder if i can stay in front of it ...
The Pioneer I was looking at is $3800 (probably be $2500 when the new model comes out) it's worth waiting for my suppliers to get stuff I want when you consider the mark up. I can get Clarions and JVC but right now they don't make exactly what I want, but I live in hope. I don't need it until my next trip west because on local trips I don't use the ipod or the GPS.

Oh and thanks it's a hard slog catching up with you
Nah Tony's got a Pioneer (I think his was last years model or the model down from the one I was looking at) Someone on here did buy last years model recently at the Pioneer scratch and dent sale and they reckon it is a good unit so the new model should hopefully be better.

Not cheap is why I tend not to pay retail for things any more. it doesn't always work but it works quite often because I've got so many mates in different businesses
Got caught in a thunderstorm last night, visibility down to about 10 meters with the wipers on high, hail stones about 3 inches in diameter and rain so heavy that the roads pooled 6 inch puddles in less than 2 minutes.

Was a ripping storm, only ever seen the likes of it when crossing the Nullabour a few years back. Thankfully I was on a dual carriage highway at the time because of all the idiots who just pull over and stop when it rains, I understand some people don't like driving in such weather but bloody hell pull off where it's safe not just where your are.

The roads around home had so much water on them there was kids with boggie boards playing in the water. Not that I really expected any damage but both the Nav and the canopy survived in tact with no dents or damage and no leaks. All in all a lovely Friday afternoon drive.
Got caught in a thunderstorm last night, visibility down to about 10 meters with the wipers on high, hail stones about 3 inches in diameter and rain so heavy that the roads pooled 6 inch puddles in less than 2 minutes.

Was a ripping storm, only ever seen the likes of it when crossing the Nullabour a few years back. Thankfully I was on a dual carriage highway at the time because of all the idiots who just pull over and stop when it rains, I understand some people don't like driving in such weather but bloody hell pull off where it's safe not just where your are.

The roads around home had so much water on them there was kids with boggie boards playing in the water. Not that I really expected any damage but both the Nav and the canopy survived in tact with no dents or damage and no leaks. All in all a lovely Friday afternoon drive.

Feel free to send some rain over this way Krafty. I haven't seen rain since i left the south west a couple of years ago.
Pfft you chose to live there :eviltongue:

I've got relos in Newman, some in Pt Headland and a friend in Geraldton and they reckon they've seen rain in that time, have you had your eyes closed? My relos also spend their time bitching when they do come back south that 35 degrees is so cold and they need to wear long sleeves and long pants so I suppose it could be that they are brain dead.
Talk about Nissan dealers having bad service, my missus is now 6 days overdue for our little bub. Don't they know it's bad not to stick to the schedule? Lol
My missus was 10 days over and the Doctor was still suggesting he didn't want to induce. Then on the day he did decide to was necessary he took 17 friggen hours to decide they had to do a C section, I was getting close to preparing him for a C section by the time it happened.

I took it as a good sign, late arrival that early in life means they will learn by the time they are teenagers that tardiness isn't good because their parents will always remind them how they were late to be born.
All of ours have been overcooked, so I shouldnt really be suprised. would have been nice to have it over the weekend tho haha
Talk about Nissan dealers having bad service, my missus is now 6 days overdue for our little bub. Don't they know it's bad not to stick to the schedule? Lol


There are many remedies for your little problem. Many suggest a ride in a car and others say sex which includes lots of man juice will bring her into labour. I believe you should try both. Take the 'Host' (the misses) for a drive in a D40 and 'get it on' at some secluded camping spot. It's bound to work.

Good luck with everything. I have one due in May 11.
We said the same thing. It would be nice to have a weekend baby, then the same a week later, then it was, oh it would be nice to have a baby on a public holiday. Even at that age they have a bloody mind of their own.
Take the 'Host' (the misses) for a drive in a D40 and 'get it on' at some secluded camping spot. It's bound to work.

This may require the rescue chopper if it's too secluded and the bub is too quick once the labour starts, although there is nothing like getting close to nature I suppose.

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