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Well what do you expect I grew up in the 80's I wanted to be like the rest of the kids in grade 3
Krankin you know you're always welcome to come down and have your back and knuckles shaved in my salon, you don't even have to ask.

well, thats just plain mighty neighbourly of you...I'll bring along the trailer, you can load up some firewood for me....
The smoke signals would blow away, wind;s not as bad as last week but it's still not a good day for smoke signals.

Let me know when to brew the billy!
Well...I followed those huge white smoke signals and fmd....if I didn't know better you've sold up the farm and bought loy yang
I'd have thought the Sth Gippy was quicker, mind you it's a long time since I went Yarram to Melb via the Sth Gippy.

You should make time for a beer/coffee/bonox.
To be honest I haven't gone both ways but just going by the GPS and the where is mapping online
If only GPS data was so reliable a 18 months ago when they shipped all the old school buildings down there. GPS's were sending low loaders with extended trailers from Wron Wron to Melb via the Grand Ridge Road. Took them 3 days to unblock the road after one guy found out the hard way not to blindly follow a GPS.

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