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I heard the dick from Cars Guide (Hearld Sun and maybe other Fairfax papers) on the radio today give some great advice.

Guy rings up says he's interested in an 06 'lux but he's heard they had clutch problems. The self proclaimed motoring expert then comes back with something along the lines of,

"There is a bad thing out there at the moment and it's called the internet and anyone can get on and make bad stories about cars without proof. You shouldn't believe them 'lux's have no issues." Then there was slight pause and he said. "Navara's have clutch issues" and he left it at that.

For a minute I thought I was listening to Roothy radio and it was the Toyota hour but I double checked and it wasn't him, it was just another dickhead with Toyota badges burnt into his retina's that can quickly bounce off bad stories about Yota as being wrong but happily relate all clutch problems to all Navara's.

Surprise surprise this same dick when asked to rate all DC's on the market about 2 months ago didn't even rate a D40 because he tested it 6-8 months before (ST-X 550) and testing it again up against the new Ford, Colorado and Dmax wouldn't have been fair.

I love it when journos remain unbiased and review things on a level playing field :big_smile:
Yeah he's a dick alright. And very anti-Ford. These are the blokes who were responsible for Mitsubishi ceasing Australian manufacturing, and will also take the blame when Ford do the same thing.
He likes the Terror-story now that they have fixed the issues but most times he recommends things like the Skoda or the I35. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything great about a Nissan, but then Nissan owners are smart enough not to listen to dicks like that.
I heard the dick from Cars Guide (Hearld Sun and maybe other Fairfax papers) on the radio today give some great advice.

Guy rings up says he's interested in an 06 'lux but he's heard they had clutch problems. The self proclaimed motoring expert then comes back with something along the lines of,

"There is a bad thing out there at the moment and it's called the internet and anyone can get on and make bad stories about cars without proof. You shouldn't believe them 'lux's have no issues." Then there was slight pause and he said. "Navara's have clutch issues" and he left it at that.

For a minute I thought I was listening to Roothy radio and it was the Toyota hour but I double checked and it wasn't him, it was just another dickhead with Toyota badges burnt into his retina's that can quickly bounce off bad stories about Yota as being wrong but happily relate all clutch problems to all Navara's.

Surprise surprise this same dick when asked to rate all DC's on the market about 2 months ago didn't even rate a D40 because he tested it 6-8 months before (ST-X 550) and testing it again up against the new Ford, Colorado and Dmax wouldn't have been fair.

I love it when journos remain unbiased and review things on a level playing field :big_smile:

Well written Krafty,

To many farking self-centered scrunt's out there spruiking their own hidden biases. Farking death to the these so called media dick-brain Heathen’s!!!!

Kind regards,

I heard the dick from Cars Guide (Hearld Sun and maybe other Fairfax papers) on the radio today give some great advice.

Guy rings up says he's interested in an 06 'lux but he's heard they had clutch problems. The self proclaimed motoring expert then comes back with something along the lines of,

"There is a bad thing out there at the moment and it's called the internet and anyone can get on and make bad stories about cars without proof. You shouldn't believe them 'lux's have no issues." Then there was slight pause and he said. "Navara's have clutch issues" and he left it at that.

For a minute I thought I was listening to Roothy radio and it was the Toyota hour but I double checked and it wasn't him, it was just another dickhead with Toyota badges burnt into his retina's that can quickly bounce off bad stories about Yota as being wrong but happily relate all clutch problems to all Navara's.

Surprise surprise this same dick when asked to rate all DC's on the market about 2 months ago didn't even rate a D40 because he tested it 6-8 months before (ST-X 550) and testing it again up against the new Ford, Colorado and Dmax wouldn't have been fair.

I love it when journos remain unbiased and review things on a level playing field :big_smile:

what are you doing listening to AW young fella.......

Yeah...was listening to that segment as well....thought the same.

he is a one eyed yota man that one (Paul Gover), yota's DONT have ANY problems according to him.
On the topic of Yota's, the amount of chicks I know with Corolla's and have electrical problems tell me the guy mentioned is full of shit.
what are you doing listening to AW young fella.......

Yeah...was listening to that segment as well....thought the same.

he is a one eyed yota man that one (Paul Gover), yota's DONT have ANY problems according to him.

Nothing beats talk back radio for a good laugh to make the day go quicker.

The only thing Paul has got going for him is that he does admit, when prompted, that most of what he judges things on is personal preference not any qualified experiences or knowledge. The problem is he isn't force to admit it often and therefore nufti's on radio and in the papers keep treating him like he is some car guru that knows the ins and outs of every car.
Buy them a lighter it will last longer.

I'm so glad I didn't have to go down there yesterday it was bad enough just getting around here without having to deal with bad weather and bad drivers.
Still a little windy here but no where near as bad as it has been. If you have a bad attitude you'd fit in perfectly in Melbourne.
On a good note, the weather was fantastic down the coorong on the weekend. Barbie for lunch Saturday and camp oven chooks and pork for tea. And a bit of shooting thrown in

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