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What family I have left in Melb I don't visit anyway so I pretty much only go there for business these days, or to get to the other side because driving north to bypass the city is too far.
Sitting down is all you do at that hospital. They say allow 2 hours for your appointment it take 2 hours just to get passed reception. I swear they have no idea of the concept of time in that place.

Melbourne drivers are all fuckwits, someone ought to teach them to drive properly, turning right from the left lane of a three lane road isn't normally considered good driving, but in Melbourne it is.

Heheee....its not that bad.....or I'm just used to it

I tell you what tho...10 outa 10....Sydney is way more farked up driving than anywhere by a mile and a half....now I know why there is a speed camera every second block..was there for two days last year for the Nats and FMD..couldnt get out quick enough.
Yeah Sydney drivers are a different breed of drivers, but that's fair since they are a different breed of F'wit too.

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