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Yeah good to see Lowndes getting a decent run of it instead of being stacked in the pits watching the field go by.
Morning Krafty, Worked a battle of the bands/freeza event saturday night, Feel sorry for the organizers, The effort they put in and and about twenty kids turn up
Yeah we had that issue when we first started with BOTB down at Cranbourne and we had the finals in a pub!

We did eventually progress to organising gigs one Friday a month and maybe 4 Sunday events a year so you never know Freeze might through up some more reddies and the organisation committee might learn how to use it.

Still got all my Freeza shirts and gear, I feel so special :ha:
Geez there is nothing else left for you, you'll be thrown on the scrap heap and left to rust soon.
Take a leaf out of the FB happy go lucky way of life book.

That guy works at Nissan and still appears up beat and happy, if he can do it anyone can!

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