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If I buy a fuel pump, it is designed to pump fuel through and I get fuel out the other end. An oil pump does similar ... you get oil out the other end. I think I'm going to head to Aldi and get me one of these fandangled breast pumps. See you all in 2013!!!
Only ever read about the elusive welch plug. The brake fluid in the fuel tank was new to me.

Was new to us too, we originally thought it was battery acid in the tank but it's turned out to be brake fluid. Was done as an arsehole act, we know who and why but there is no point pushing for retribution and since it's cost us very little other than time we consider this just one act of bastardry which for now will go forgotten but remembered down the track.

And for those who think D40 parts are expensive try a genuine CaseIH radiator cap for the very cheap bargain basement price of $88 + GST! It's lucky the thing runs at such lower pressure and probably wont miss having the new radiator cap because even the after market replacement cap is $47 + GST.
Heard a worse story about a bloke that had blood & bone thrown in his water tank my a neighbour.

It was conveyed to me that the guilty party ended up doing time.

It would almost be amusing if the consequences of drinking the water wasn't so frightening.

Got a vague suspicion I might have told this story before :sorry:.
Yeah that's more than just the malicious damage we suffered, doing time for such an act should be mandatory. Atleast our arsehole was only trying to cost us money, he was far too stupid to attempt to physically harm any of us, his was a crime of convenience more than anything else.
We got the old girl running yesterday, took rolling the IH down the long steep driveway using the Kubota and steel cable as a brake but once we got it on the road we towed the thing nearly 3ks stopping occasionally to prime the fuel pump by hand, it spurted a few times and ran for about 30 seconds, then we turned it all around to head for home, one last prime before giving up and a bit more of a drag with the Kubota and the old girl spurted into life.

She only belched black smoke for about 5 seconds before cleaning her throat out and then ran like a charm all the way back to the shed. We've still got a slight problem with the injector pump and the injector on number 2 cylinder is leaking a little bit but otherwise we are pretty happy with our success.

Change the oil in the sump and change the oil in the air filter and we might call her a newly restored model, might even give her a new paint job just to seal the deal.
Ours just has water in it because it was left outside without the pipe on it, it's only about 2 inches so it's not even like it will be getting anything special, just whatever goes in the sump unless we can find an old bottle of something laying around.
Whatever oil was going in the engine during an oil change, Is what i put in the filter. We still use a 160 hp duettz on a bore and it use a oil bath filter
We have some Castrol in the shed which wont ever get used because nothing on the farm has petrol engines any more so we will probably use that for the bath and whatever we can get in a 6l bottle for the sump since this is likely to be the last service we ever do on it.

For all we know the oil in this thing could be the stuff IH shipped it with 45 years ago. The mate has never had it changed in the 22 years since he brought his farm with the tractor included and to be honest we wouldn't be servicing it had it not been for the sabotage because the old girl just doesn't get used that often. We set up a solar panel to keep the battery charged and we added some lights to it and that's about all the maintenance it's had since we took over on the farm.
Hehehe nah they are harmless and just make empty threats.

Braindead, insane, delusional and friendless are similar traits to Collingwood supporters but this guy actually knew brake fluid and diesel didn't mix, I'm not sure many Collingwood supporters would.
Heard a story of a farmer up north on a big river, Who had a irrigation pump on the river and a diesel tank for it, got sick of people pinching fuel so he left the tank there with a mix of brake fluid in it,
Heard a story of a farmer up north on a big river, Who had a irrigation pump on the river and a diesel tank for it, got sick of people pinching fuel so he left the tank there with a mix of brake fluid in it,

It's a prick of an act, which in that case might well be justified, but you'd never do it to someone just to piss them off.

Atleast the old IH was about as simple as diesel engines can get and therefore was limited things that such an arsehole act could effect but doing it to someone as payback on some of the new fangled machinery wouldn't be a smart move.

I have been wearing them all night so far.. Lying in bed now ;)

Wearing them all night and laying in bed with them on...THEY ARE are Dear John booties, probably got two little pom poms hanging on a bit of wool coming off the top as well!

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