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That ford ad with everyone standing in the back of the Ute, the dogooders would can it,
Chuck in a few guns and that was us on a visit to the country cousins

oh no its dangerous,
Naah, there is plenty a bunny that quickly worked out we couldn't shoot that well and the time to amm-scram was when we all started piling out to catch it by hand.

and that song might have been alright when everyone was on acid

Everyone is a music critic. <VBG>.
this is the clip that was meant to be...


I wondered what was going on with Dunger again.

Even the old Charger ads are good to watch. If my broadband allowance wasn't so small I could sit watching that sort of stuff for hours.

The last decent ad was the Holden Thunder ad where they were doing circle work in the dust.

Like Dave suggested, all the do gooders have put an end to it.

Bet we will never see another car ad where they use people/race drivers as witches hats. Mind you I would be none to happy standing there with an XC lurching around.
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Great footage.

Got the Channel 7 Bathurst tapes here somewhere from 66 to 72? & 73 to 80 something, but last time I looked one had been chewed up a bit by the player. Probably should see if I can convert them to DVD before it's too late.
Wot dat?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^

Thanks: 0
Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
Aweee we've had a thanks button added! Now we can see who's really helping and who's just getting patted on the dick for being human!

One of my other forums had that a few years ago, people click the thanks button when they think someone's post helped them. On that forum we originally used the numbers to gain an idea of who helped out the most and after 12 months the guy that had the highest number of legitimate thanks got US$2500 worth of vouchers for his trouble. But it was a bastard weeding through the genuine and the non genuine ego strokes.

After the first 12 months the awards got scrapped when it was clear the "thanks" button was being used to thank people for the most inane things, thanking people who only provided repeated advice from the posts above and friends were setting each other up to try and get the award.

With no awards on offer it's simply a feel good thing that some people will make use of and others wont even look at.
I just thanked you for that post and it worked.

Edit: I thanked you for the previous one and your numbers changed on my screen. I could be immune because I should never be thanked since I'm an outright c*&t most of the time.

Edit2: It does show I have been thanked but it doesn't show me which post it was.
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Oh it is down here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V

It also adds a 'notification' warning up where it says "Welcome <username>" when you get thanked, so you can quickly jump in and see what you were thanked for.
Yeah this is really good but I would like to verbally express my eternal appreciation & don't know how to put in comments.

Never mind, wifie is gunna drag me to the big smoke in a minute.
You could always type in the thread "Thanks <insert username> for your informative and well thought out response, you have helped me greatly and I am forever in your debt. I shall name my first born after you"

However the idea of the thanks button is that it cuts out the need for posts like that and leaves more room for posts asking what tyres I can fit on my Nav and which exhaust system works the best.
and I'm still waiting to be able to thank the mod who can deliver on my request from long ago to be able to have my own personal smilie preferences........how about it mods???????

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