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Oh so Dave comes back, has a week off and now wants all the attention, so typical!

(Since you aren't around as much now it can't be said you are a post whore so you must be an attention seeker because everyone needs a title.)
As much as you just emphasized my point I'll have you know I am the queen of everything not one thing alone!
1 more post to go Krafty, Congrats that will make 13,000

now this is phunny!

post whore

A person who is starving for attention in real life and compensates for their shortcomings in society by living in a forum and inserting their presence across the board everyday and sometimes all day. As soon as their post count breaches the highest recorded for the forum, they often begin to post frequently on the direction the board should take. It is not uncommon to see their avatars change frequently often with a theme of power. Forum members will begin to try to put the member in check but to no avail as the person is feeding off of their imaginary power to which they compensate for their lack of real world activity. (Most notorious for fitting this definition is the member: Bluto from getbig dot com)

A person, who feels their higher post count gives them added credibility in the forum, even over people who have contributed for much longer and as such they go to great lengths to increase their post count.

A post whore is a virtual attention whore. The attention whore brings the same attitude into online forums where they assert their “look at me” persona by invading the board with a large presence of posts.
Blutos are post whores of the worst kind.
Oh so Dave comes back, has a week off and now wants all the attention, so typical!

(Since you aren't around as much now it can't be said you are a post whore so you must be an attention seeker because everyone needs a title.)

Its nice to be missed.

Check your phone more often Krafty. Text you the other day mate.
d22dave said:
8 to 10 week wait for my intercooler, aahh patience is not my strong point, But it should be worth the wait,
It's all good mate don't stress. I've had mine for 4-5 weeks just sitting there...

Nice sound track.

Mmmmmmmm, 2 Stroke Detroit Power.
Hey Nath, whats going on with the Lux ?

Oh and what happened to Krafty tonight ?

Who offended him.

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