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Going by your avatar a decent wash and comb might be in order. But seriously (no it's hard to take you seriously with such a pretty avatar), almost seriously, it would cost a few bob, perms like yours don't come natural or cheap.
Ill flick my hair back and see if that gets me a cheaper rate.

Anyways I am off, will be back on later.

Oh and Krafty do some work, its almost knock off time.

That doesn't work in my saloon, NRNR buddy and there is no favors for mates :eviltongue:

I finished this weeks work back on Tuesday it's been a hard week.

BTW Dave thanks for disconnecting my internet before you left you cheeky bugger.
I did what ?

I dont think I did anything.

Those D40 drivers sure know how to cut hair, did a good job.

Your hair is just so unmanageable but I'm glad you think it was a good job. I think you look good with those pink streaks and don't let any other D22 driver tell you otherwise.
Argh Bloody hell Dave, yesterday you disconnect my internet and then run away and today I'm sitting here nice and peaceful having a little nap in my chair and you post a message which send me an email and wakes me up. You're a savage brute you are...and yes I like it that way too :big_smile:
Blah you didn't wake me then but shssh my missus thinks I'm out fixing the path through the side gate not sitting here having a nap in the office.
Now thats motivation but my missus can't hear you :eviltongue:

I need to shift a few barrow loads of dirt any one got a KATO I can borrow?

I thought Krankin was going for top knob this year not you. (I presume thats the title to which you refer, to be honest I didn't take much notice of what it said there before I was too mesmerised by your pretty face.)
Lol, come on Krankin get on and bite.

Haven't you got a few trucks, swap one for the day for a bobcat or excavator. Will life oh so much easier.

Nah I don't own the trucks any more, I used to have two but there are certain jobs in this world where it is easier to work for someone else, responsibility is one thing but the bills that go with running trucks are a real put off. These days I just drive them for mates when they need a driver. I've got a tractor with a bucket at my disposal the problem is it's 30 odd ks away on the farm and realistically it might be a bit of an overkill for two barrow loads of dirt that are 15 feet from where I need them to be.

Do you get a new hat to go with your title or did you just pinch Jason's while he's on holiday?
True that, its best to ask a question before doing something worse.


I agree with that comment from the other thread Dave. Now can you come and shovel some dirt for me?
Thats ok Dave it will wait until you're ready. Guess I'll have to go back to napping again.
got some other digging to do. Lol.

Since you're gone and the time code will make it look like you took a long time to come up with a response (now who's old and slow :eviltongue: ) does the above comment mean you are changing your nick to wombat or bulldozer?
Don't dig too deep, anything too far below the surface isn't worth having, not for the purposes you want anyway.

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