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There was someone building a trailer from a tub and has pics too ... Flash or close to that was their user name, for some reason I can't figure out how to find them now. Something has stopped working in the forum (the auto-complete tool when you're sending a message).

Dave, if you have a tool that lets you do that, could you find them and post up a link to their gallery? Thanks mate!
There was someone building a trailer from a tub and has pics too ... Flash or close to that was their user name, for some reason I can't figure out how to find them now. Something has stopped working in the forum (the auto-complete tool when you're sending a message).

Dave, if you have a tool that lets you do that, could you find them and post up a link to their gallery? Thanks mate!

It was Flashum. I'd be more help and find the thread but I'm on 3g and it's too slow :sad:
It took me three goes and about 45 minutes of cleaning to wash all the mud and shit off the bottom of the ute today, sure if I'd had my gernie the job might have taken a bit less time but I'd seriously hate to have a real off road ute if it takes that long to wash my road limo D40. :eviltongue:
An old mechanic told me a trick for cleaning the bottom of our utes, especially after beach driving> He reckons if you get a lawn sprinkler, the type that does a fine mist, and let it run under the vehicle for a time then everything will come off instead of getting further into the nooks etc. Makes sense to me! Anyhow I'll give it a go some time and let yas know how it goes.

Cheers Brad
What a great idea, Brad.

Next time we come out of the forest, we'll stay off-road and just drive over people's lawns. Tell your mechanic mate he's a genius!

Just playing with the idea there mate, for the humour. It sounds like a reasonable idea, although it'd use a lot more water than a Gerni would.
A mate use to do that with his 4Runner, never had any rust issues so it worked well.

I usually wash mine on a set of truck ramps with the gerni so I can get anywhere but I'm doing some work under the back of it this weekend and my workshop away from home is a bit busy this week.

The one thing hand washing it did show me is the wonderful little gap where the back mud flap mounts. It's open at one end so it's not really a rust spot or anything dangerous but it's a brilliant area to catch mud thus rendering any water run out nearly impossible. In a ute that gets washed more than 3 times a year this probably wont be a problem but when your lazy about washing like I am it's going to be a good place to collect mud that wont ever come off with anything other than a good direct squirt. I'd reckon any mud caught here will allow some water through and if filled enough will deflect a lot of water so I'm not worried about it from a safety or rust issue or anything like that but geez the extra 200 grams of mud each side could kill my economy.
I'm not worried about it from a safety or rust issue or anything like that but geez the extra 200 grams of mud each side could kill my economy.

I'd call up Derryn Hunch and get him onto those heartless bastards. Imagine forcing someone to cart around 400 grams of mud everywhere. That's just terrible.

If Mother Theresa were alive today, I know exactly what she'd be saying.

Help, let me out THUMP THUMP you bastards buried me I hate you THUMP THUMP

Ok, it was funny while it was inside my head.
Hey come on be a little fair today is the day DH is going into surgery he doesn't have time to deal with such a big story now. Tracey Grimshaw, she's got time, (and the quality TV show to go with it). I think it's a travesty, how can Nissan in their right mind be happy making those of us who want to get our utes dirty carry around the extra weight and use all that extra fuel which is killing the world and then claim they are looking into saving the world by making battery powered cars. Tracey get off your arse and come down here I've got tonights leading story.
Just washed the ute and vacumned it.

Damn, it was dirty as Krafty at a Mardi Gra after party dressed in drag. It was that dirty. :biggrin:

You better not have photos of that night Dave you promised what happened at Mardi Gra stayed at Mardi Gra.
I only seen them from the surveillance footage, today tonight did a story on you. Know doubt knowing them it would be the facts only. lol.

Well if you didn't insist on hiding in the bog with your g-string around your ankles and that women named George (odd name for a chick I know but you were adament she was one) wrapped around your mid section you too could have been a tv star. No point getting jealous about who's been on tv and who hasn't now.
George was that her name, I swear it was Georgia.

Ah well, we had a good time didn't we Krafty. lol.

Ah so that was you dressed as the Village People Cop at one stage before you got in to your drag.

Krafty does your mrs piss herself laughing all the time or do she tell you to grow up ?

I tried to tell you Georgia's don't use have adams apple's but you just wouldn't leave it alone.

The cop out fit was good but I much preferred the Indian outfit, a good head of feathers should never be underestimated. But no matter how much you ask next time there is no tickling while you do your David Beckham underwear pose. I do have standards, as low as they may be they are there.

My missus is usually pretty quick off the mark herself, sometimes it's a bugger to keep up with her.
Shit in that case a good match indeed, Id be laughing all night long.

Anyway I should go see a D40 driver and get my hair cut, Krafty and the rest of the D40 driver's what is the going rate for a hair cut ?


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