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If I stay on JD all night I am fine, we were drinking Vodka aswell.

I had a great win on the pokies so I put $200 down for the boys. The booze was flowing.

Yeh im the same, JD doesnt give me a bad hangover... but we were drinking all sorts which doesnt help...

Good work on the win!
Pulled out $1660 from 2 nights on the pokies.

Shouted about $400 worth of drinks for my mates and myself, I am still happy.

If we win big we shout, its our thing.

Nice work!
Yeh same here, I think most decent blokes would do the same for your mates...
I won some good money at Perth cup last year and it was all on for the rest of the day and the night and then into the morning...
Tim McGraw concert tonight, Glasshouse run on Saturday morning and flying to Thailand for 2 weeks on Monday!

What is everyone else up to this weekend?
Tim Mcgrath would be good to see.

Tonight I am hooking up a mates tv and then having some drinks, no idea on the rest of the weekend.

Well, as i was informed here that i need a hobby???

I took a night off from the Nav family wednesday night and had a ROCKIN great time at the Metallica gig:rock:
Most excellent dudes!

As for the weekend, work 2moro morn, service the great '22 and if time permits do the egr mod,
and plan to go up to Rubicon SF for a sunday outing.
I must be getting old, again tonight got talked into going to a night club.

Why I did I bother, I hate the places.

Ever been to a club during the day sober, omg they stink from spilt drinks, vomit and god knows what else. Had to rip up a 100 sqm or so of carpet in a club here on the coast a few weeks ago and tile it. was disgusting. i should get an office job
Back in the 90's when I was working with a few bands we used to get into all the clubs and pubs before they opened (to set up obviously we had to be there early) but the one feeling I'll never forget is that feeling you get as you walk in and your feet start sticking to the carpet.

The stink of stale dope in the dunnies was never that appealing either but if you start the night out in any club while no one else is around and then finish the night after everyone has gone it's an amazing full circle of stink. The biggest mistake I reckon they ever made in night clubs was banning smoking, now you can actually smell the people and even as an ex smoker I gotta say the smell of second hand smoke is always better than 2000 stinky people.
Actually there is one place I have found that was worse than any night club. My shop used to be two doors down from and Indian restaurant that had been there for about 12 years, the owner asked us to do some remodeling for his take away area and the stench and stuff left in the walls of that shop were pretty bloody bad. If we'd have realised just what secrets the walls kept we'd have doubled the bill.
And on a lighter note ... I hope I dont get jumped all over for not searching threads.....

But my internet speed is absolute shite....

I am after some info from one of you very clever people.. I have intentions of making a trailer from my old tub .... It is perfect nick has all the lights .. And I have seen something similar done with a lock up box in front .... Anyone got some Pic's or perhaps there is already a thread.....?

Thanks Gonzo (AKA) Steve
FFS use the bloody search button :big_smile:

Actually I don't remember too many build threads on tub trailers, there is plenty of pics in the gallery of tub trailers but the only one I seem to remember recently was someone using a Colorado tub but I don't remember who it was or seeing a finished product.

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