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As of today the Kubota is 100 hours over it's service but we've been to busy to do it. And right now it's being used as a jack holding a trailer up so I could get the wheel off it.
Naughty naughty, The fendts are good they dont need a jack to get the back end in the air, When putting the dual wheels on the rear we use the hydraulic down on it and it lifts the whole arse end of the tractor
We can lift the front end of the Kubota with the bucket but we've never had a flat on any of the tractors so there has been no need for such effort. Been waiting for the rear on the Kubota to go for ages because we found a huge nail in it ages ago but it never went down and it doesn't leak water either so we figure it's going to last until the next service...which probably wont get done the way we are going :big_smile:

I'm wondering if tyre joint is going to replace the tyre I took off the trailer today, the Sunraisyers that are on the trailer were recalled over 12 months ago and it's then owner never did anything about the recall. If they wont give me the rim back I'm screwed because I need the tractor tomorrow and I can't take both wheels off the trailer and make it levitate.
Can't remember the brand name now (I posted the official announcement here when it happened) but they recalled all the Sunny's with a red and blue band on them something like 12 months ago, from memory they were to be replaced. We told the then owner about the recall and he said he'd do something about it but typical of the moron he did nothing.
Too late the tyre joint has it until tomorrow. I don't really care about the trailer, it's fully set up for a lawn mowing business so not great for farm use. The tyre repair is a job for the doc so he can get the thing off the farm, I'm just the nice person doing the job to save him for interrupting his busy day.
And going on Holidays? No wonder Nissan charge so bloody much for spare parts if you can afford all that :ha:
Well I payed for the holiday 4 months ago.. Just a bit of spending money. You realize I'm Going to bali right?
Cheaper than going to QLD. also havent had a day off in 2 years.
I am also a bit of a tightass.
Had Dozell's car in today for a service.
also have Rich in tomorrow I think. (justdrinkbeer)
If Justin doesn't seal his 80 series airbox and his custom Snorkel in his D40 hes going to need a Motor..
Wait what services are we talking here? Work or under the table?
No pun intended ;) promise.
Spare parts bloke is on holidays, Who do you get the owner of the business, And what does he know jack shit, Parts ordered late monday, To late for a tuesday delivery thats ok i knew that, get them wednesday yeah right, Lets hope for thursday
I got the tyre back today $30 fitted, just as well the trailer wont be going far :big_smile:

I asked the goose behind the counter what he knew about the recall on the rims reckoned he'd never heard of recalls on those rims. Rather than point out the recalls website I just took the tyre and put it back on the trailer knowing full well I wont be towing the bloody thing anywhere.

Dave maybe you should buy a popular tractor :ha:

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