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Where's Krafty today??? Must be working??

Gone into hiding I got scared of the death threats.

So didn't d22dave even offer you a bucket and some warm slops? He didn't come and help me build fences either, not very hospitable, I thought country folk were better than that.
Doing that would be heaps easier than fence building......although if I could find someone to pay me for it I might reconsider.
Gone into hiding I got scared of the death threats.

So didn't d22dave even offer you a bucket and some warm slops? He didn't come and help me build fences either, not very hospitable, I thought country folk were better than that.

Was like you building 3 meter high security fence and training up the chihuahua guard dogs, Any 3 foot high midgets come in and they will lose their ankles :tazzy::tazzy::tazzy:
Big blue stone walls like a prison, nothing gets out but the smell.

Tomorrow I become a snake trainer apparently, been told there is a family of tiger snakes down near one of the fences that needs repairing. I'll train them to build fences save me doing the last few jobs.
Tomorrow I become a snake trainer apparently, been told there is a family of tiger snakes down near one of the fences that needs repairing. I'll train them to build fences save me doing the last few jobs.

Got 2 shotguns you could borrow, That will train them:rambo:
Not allowed to have bang bangs on this farm, Mrs Greenie would have kittens if we did bang bangs. I'll try the jedi mind trick or something.
I have a better idea, ignore the bloody fence for 12 months until it's shearing season again. It's one strand of wire about 20 feet long on a 4 strand fence that wont get used again until we need to bring the sheep back up for shearing. Just have to remember to take the gripple tool and a gripple down when we go to get the sheep.
Middle of summer no rain for 3 days and we've still got parts of the farm 2 foot under water.
I'm actually quite surprised I haven't seen more snakes around the place. I've spent several hours a day for the last week with a brushcutter cutting down the grass for these fences and haven't seen one snake. Only actually seen on in the whole time we've been doing these fences.
Better than seeing a lion hiding in the scrub. :ha:

On that note I am outta here, enjoy your night old fella.

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